Scaring Me Off.

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         "What's the purpose of the girl?" A man voice asks, and it was not Niklaus. Great I'm probably somewhere surrounded by vampires.

"Honestly Klaus, how many times am I going to tell you it's not safe for you to be around her." That voice was Camille's, so I felt a little bit safer.

"I really don't understand how this is always my fault. I'm the one who is always there to save her." He declares, and he does have a good point.

"Why are you always there, Niklaus?" The unknown man's voice asks.

"She does work at my favorite bar." Klaus says, and I knew from the tone of his voice it was a lie.

"She'll be waking up soon, we should go so we don't spook her." Camille says, as I hear two pairs of footsteps leave the room.

"So you saved me again." I say, sitting up from the bed. Klaus was surprised but was quick to give me one of his smirks.

"How long were you awake for?" He asks, crossing his arms infront of his chest.

"Long enough to hear that conversation." I reply honestly. "Now are you gonna tell me the real reason you were at the bar?" He shakes his head a little bit and sits down on the bed besides me.

"You have to stop being so curious." Klaus comes back with, trying to avoid the question.

"I'll stop being curious when you stop always being there." I bite back with, he smiles at me and looks me in the eyes.

"Do you really want to die?" He asks, a tint of sadness in his voice, or I was just imagining it.

"Do you really care?" I ask, I didn't feel like answering his question if he wouldn't answer my question.

"Avoiding my question." He comments.

"So are you." I make known, and he laughs. "What's so funny?"

"You. You trying to be so tough when I could easily compel you to tell me the truth." I roll my eyes, even if he wasn't the supernatural. I'd still believe he'd be this cocky.

"So compel me because that's your only option when you don't get your way. You need to learn to be patient with people." I straight up tell him what I'm thinking.

"Why do I need to be patient when I could find out the easy way?" He asks, still thinking he was right.

"You really need to work on your people skills. If you want friends your gonna need to try to be nice." I tell him, and that gets a chuckle out of him.

"I don't have friends. I don't need them, they distract you from what needs to be done. I have family and enemies that's it." I just had to feel bad for him.

"Niklaus, you do have friends you just don't see it. Maybe if you weren't so mean, you would have more friends than enemies." He stands up and walks to the end of the bed.

"You really have no idea who I am." Then he quickly walks out but not with his vampire speed. I sigh and move out from under the covers.

Klaus Mikaelson POV

"I now see why your so intrigued by her." Elijah says, he was clearly listening into my conversation.

"You need to mind your own business." I reply back to him as I pour me a glass of bourbon.

"You need to make her your friend, Niklaus, she may be good for you." He suggest, but I knew he was trying to say something much more.

"Every human is afraid of me. Kaylee won't be any different." I turn to look at him, waiting to see if he had something good to come back with.

"What about Camille?" He asks.

"Camille is different because her family was already in with the dark objects and knew about the supernatural. Kaylee had no idea this life existed." I say, pouring me another glass of bourbon.

"Your trying to scare her off so she won't want to become close to you or get to know you. You do have a nice side Niklaus, you just have to show it off more." On that note he leaves me.

Kaylee Vega POV
"I honestly don't understand Niklaus at all. Sometimes he's honestly not that bad of a guy. Somehow he ruins that by a snarky remark." I was ranting to Camille. Turns out her side job was a therapist, so I was using her for just that.

"He's not really good at showing his true emotions. He wants people to fear him, not to know that he's a nice guy deep down." I snicker.

"Deep down I don't think he's a good person." I state my true feelings on him.

"I'm his therapist there is some nice in him." Cami replies, and I still didn't see how she saw goodness in him.

"Aren't you afraid to be alone with him? Niklaus could easily kill you." The way she was talking was making it sound like they were very close.

"I know he won't hurt me. I don't know if you want to get to know him but if you do. Just give him a chance. I think he's trying to show you his bad side so you won't stick around, which that may be for the best." Camille says, and I nod my head along with what she was saying.

"Well if you trust him I guess I will too."

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