Dan runs towards the door of the run down music shop. All the lights are off and it doesn't look like anyone is in there. He yells Phil's name before banging on the door a few times. He definitely isn't in there. Dan paces for a few moments, thinking about another place Phil might be. A place that holds large sentimental value. Of course Dan doesn't know, Phil isn't the type of person to just spill his guts.

"Where the hell could he be!?" Dan yells to the sky. Almost as if asking the gods themselves to help him.

The real question is, why is Dan trying so hard to find someone who quite obviously doesn't want to be found? What does he gain? What could he loose?

Dan sits down and leans against the brick wall with a sigh. What was the point? I mean, this is one random person that he's met over the internet. Someone that he doesn't even know very well. He doesn't even know Phil's middle name for crying out loud and yet, Dan is so unbelievably head over heels for this boy. He's got a good heart, unlike anyone else that Dan has been interested in. He's funny and kind, although he's not very good at showing it.

Dan looks around and sighs once more before standing. If he can't find Phil then so be it. Dan decides to take a walk, maybe he'll just be walking and randomly come across Phil. He shrugged and began walking mindlessly.

When he finally looked up he saw that he was looking at some graffiti but not just any graffiti, Phil's graffiti. The one with the flowers that said 'phan is real'. Dan chuckled a little, remembering that night. It hadn't ended very well but it was still fun while it lasted. It still had the imprint from where Dan's back was pressed up against it. It made him a little sad looking at it.

"Didn't expect to see you here. I would think that this place harbors bad memories for you." Dan turns around when he hears a painfully familiar voice speak to him. It's Phil.

"I didn't plan on ending up here, I just did." Dan shrugs and leans back against the wall, in the same place that it had been before. He looks Phil up and down, he looks just fine but looks can be horribly deceiving.

Phil nods, he looks very standoffish and reserved in the moment. His arms crossed, hugging himself, and keeping a safe distance from Dan. "Seems like we're in the same boat," he speaks while making sure to keep his gaze on the ground, Dan doesn't understand why though.

Dan's gaze doesn't leave Phil no matter how much Phil won't look at him. "People were worried about you. Like Chris and Pj and Me," Dan muttered so quietly that he's not sure that Phil even heard. "You wouldn't answer my calls or texts and we just assumed the worst but you look just fine."

Phil sighs, "Looks can be horribly deceiving, Dan."

Dan looks almost surprised. "I know that, I was just... " he doesn't finish .

"I'm going to leave." Phil turns on his heels and pauses for a moment before beginning to walk away.

Dan opens his mouth to say something, anything, that may make him stay. Something to make him talk but Dan's not sure what he should be saying, so instead, he allows Phil to leave his sight. He lets him leave because staying wouldn't help anyone in this situation. At least Phil's doing just fine.


Look, it's the wild update in it's natural habitat. I've returned from my writing hiatus. More to come soon... hopefully

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