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They came for him during fourth period. Sam was in the social studies room doing a history project and was almost done with it

"finally, just one more question" Sam said out loud

But then a hoard of students came to see his computer to copy his answers

"get away I need to submit this" Sam yelled

Then the student with the computer said "whoa I think I'm tripping"

Then the student dropped the computer and broke it.

"are you insane" Sam yelled "now none of that's going to save"

Just then the loud speaker came on.

"Sam Firzlaf report to the principal's office immediately"

"oh my god right now" Sam said annoyed " this better be important"

But as soon as Sam walked out of the classrooms Sam was spotted by the worst bully in the school and his name is Jason with his other friends.

"oh, look who decided to join us" Jason said with a smirk "come on guys lets teach this kid a lesson"

Then one of Jason's friends caught Sam's arms and held them behind his back and Jasson stepped up right into Sam's face.

"this one is for you my friends" Jason said thrillingly

Then Jason started beating the life out of Sam with his fists but Sam couldn't do anything because his arms were held behind his back, but then Jason took one last swing directly at Sam's face. Jason was about to go for another swing but then all of a sudden Sam spit out something green.

"ow" Jason screamed "get this off me its burning me"

Then Sam headbutted the guy who was holding his arms behind his back and dispensed water out of his hands with such force that the guy went flying and hit his head on the wall.

"you made me do that Jason" Sam yelled " and if you do it again you be sorry"

Then Sam walked down to the main office and opened the door.

"oh, my Sam" said the nurse who was walking buy "your bleeding badly come with me"

But Sam just walked past her and into the principal's office.

"well Sam looks like you took a beating" the principal said with a smirk "did the nurse scare you"

"shut up and just get to the point" Sam said "I need to finish my homework"

"you won't need to do homework anymore" said Amos " you're coming with me"

Sam didn't even try to argue he just listened to Amos because he didn't want this to be any longer than its going to be.

"get in the back" Amos said "and ask me no questions"

When Sam opened the back door, and saw three other people who he would never expect to see.

"hello Sam or should I call you cousin" Noah said with a smirk "I will explain everything"

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