1. I'll drag you to church

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Sunday morning, why would anyone wake up early on a Sunday morning?

A petit girl with boy shorts and a tank top was laying on her bed looking at the ceiling wanting to suffocate herself with her pillow. "Why god why?" She could hear the music coming from the room next to her's.

She knew what was coming and was not ready for it.

"You better be up." A female voice said from behind the door followed by a thousand knocks.

Ignoring it, she plugged her headphones to her cassette player that was laying besides her bead and blasted music in an attempt to stop listening to what was happening behind the door.

Suddenly, she felt a slim body crash into her. "B e c a." The younger girl said shaking her stepsister's shoulders.

"Emily stop it."

Emily and Beca had been dealing with each other for a few years now. After Beca's parents got divorced, his father won the custody of Beca and she was still harsh about it anyways, her father met a lady who already had a daughter and well, now they are here.
Even if sometimes they couldn't stand being in the same room as the other, they had that strong big sister-little sister connection.

"We gotta go to church." Emily said with a smile making Beca groan.

"You have to go to church." She said pointing at Emily. "I don't have to. I don't even believe in that stuff."

"but it's boring if I go alone." The younger girl pouted.

"you fault for joining the chorus, kiddo." Beca said before letting her head fall into the pillow once again.

Suddenly, her father came into the room. "Why are you not dressed?"

Beca and her father didn't have the best relationship but it wasn't bad either.

"why should I?" she asked.

Dr. Mitchell rolled her eyes at her daughter. "We are not doing this every Sunday. I'm only asking for two hours of your life."

"Then stop doing it." She simply shrugged. "I could do better things with those two hours."

Dr. Mitchell glared at his daughter. "Sure, have fun cleaning the whole house then, and I expect no snow on the porche."

In a matter of minutes the Mitchell-Junk gang pulled their car on the parking lot of the church and stepped out of the car in their fancy clothes, except for Beca who had a pair of sneakers that matched her black ripped jeans and jacket.

Because she only had black clothes.

Emily immediately went to join the church chorus while the other three found their seats.

Half an hour down, the brunette could feel her soul leaving her body slowly. "I'm going to-" She noticed none of her responsible adults was paying attention to her so she simply left.

As soon as she stepped outside she felt the cold of November hit her, she loved it.

"Nice one."

Beca turned her head to the side and found none other than her tall blonde british friend Luke standing next to her best friend Stacie, an also way taller girl with wavy brown hair.

"36 minutes, new record Mitchell." Luke said showing her the cronometer he was holding.

The three of them started hanging out when they were kids since they parents also attended to church and that wasn't really the teenager's thing.

"I wasn't going to leave until Emily sang at least once." Beca shrugged.

They sat down under the only tree the parking lot had. Luke placed a cigarette between his lips and offered one to the girls, who declined.

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