3. Sleep

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With her walkman's headphones over her ears Beca made her way down the school hall.

"New mixtape?" She heard as a pair of hands took off her headphones.

The girl turned around only to find a brown haired goofy guy grinning at her. Jesse has been  friends with Beca for a while now, at first he had it pretty rough with the brunette buy eventually they built a pretty good friendship.

Beca nodded before taking the headphones out of Jesse's hands and shoving the gadget in her backpack.

"Never do that again."

Jesse raised both hands in "surrender" laughing at the tiny girl.

Meanwhile Chloe Beale was making her way down the school having trouble finding her new class and carrying her books, she took out the piece of paper the school handed her with her schedule once again so she could see where the heck the classroom was.

Eventually, all of her stuff fell to the floor. Before she could get on her knees, somebody ducked down and picked them up.

"Thursday aren't usually my day either." The nice girl smiled handing her her books, flashing her perfect white teeth. Chloe sent a thankful smile at the girl.

"I'm Aubrey, by the way." The blonde said.

"Chloe." The red head replied.

After helping Chloe put her stuff where it had to be, Aubrey walked her to her class.

"So yeah, this is it. Welcome to Atlanta High." The blonde stopped in front of a white door before opening it and walking in next to Chloe.

The rest of the day went a little faster than Chloe expected, she got to meet a few nice girls besides Aubrey. She was starting to feel a lot more comfortable now that she was starting to know her surroundings.

"You are so funny." Jessica laughed looking at Chloe as they walked to their lockers.

Chloe had Literature at last period and thankfully she was sharing it with one of the cheery girl she met.

"Maybe we can go grab a coffee or something, I could introduce you to my bestie. She's so nice, you would love her." The girl proposed with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Chloe's eyes squinted as she moved some hair away from her face. "Thank you, I'd really love to but I have some things to do..." She trailed down. "You know, unpacking and... stuff."

Jessica's smile faded but nodded at the redhead. "Next time it is." In a matter of seconds the bright smile appeared before the happy blonde made her way out of the school.

After a long walk, Chloe entered the big white building wishing she didn't have to do this. She has always hated hospitals.

The smell, the waiting room where people can't stop worrying about they beloved one who is being treated, the sadness, the way it can go from being loud and crowded to silent and lonely, but the worst of all was seeing all those people laying helplessly in bed not being able to do anything for their health more than wait. She has always hated hospitals.

A nurse greeted her and accompanied Chloe to the room where her grandfather was in.

"Here goes nothing." She said before stepping in.

Back in Barden High's quad a pair of teenagers were laying down on the grass as they watched every other student leave the building.

"You'd rather rip all you nails off before watching movies with Jesse?" Stacie asked the girl who had her head rested on her lap.

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