14. What a way to end the year

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No response.

"Emily and Beca if I don't see you two in the car in minus 3 seconds-" Before the man could finish his sentence, one of the teenagers stormed out of her room and into the car. Running right past him. "For god's sake Beca." he muttered to himself as he made his way to her daughter's room.

Knocking three times and hearing no response he opened the door to reveal his, still asleep, daughter.

"BECA." He yelled making her groan.

Reluctantly she turned around to face her father. "What is it now?"

Okay so, being the December 31 in the morning the Mitchell-Junk family had the tradition to go to church early in the morning, of course, to start the year free of guilt or whatever it was. However, Beca was done with it. Done with stupid traditions. Done with church. Done with waking up early. Done.

Besides the fact that she had arrived from her mother's home last night and spent most of the night unpacking. This time she couldn't hide the tired that was controlling her body and emotions.

"We made a commitment with God." He said as calm as he could. "It'll only take two hours of your life, Beca, so stop being so dramatic and get up."

"I'm not going."

Her father breathed in and out in an attempt to not lose his temper. "Car. Now."

The teenage only challenged him. "Why do I have to be included if it's the same whether I go or not?"

"Because we are family and as family we go to church. Like every Sunday, every Easter, Christmas and new year's eve." He explained as he sat down next to his daughter. "You missed the Christmas service so you don't get to lose this one now."

Beca stared at his father for a minute. "No."

With a sigh, the man abruptly got up and threw her daughter's bed sheets away. "I am your father and you are living under MY roof!" He yelled.

If he would've done this a year ago, Beca would be shaking and following her dad's orders since yelling or making him angry scared her but not anymore.

"The only reason why I live under your roof is because you decided to be an asshole when you and my mom divorced." She said standing up to meet her father's eyes. "If I were living with mom now, you would deny to pay for the things you are obliged to pay for."

"You think I am dumb? I wasn't then and I am not now, you didn't fight to have me living with you, dad, you fought to make mom's life miserable." Beca's expression was cold, her dad wasn't sure how to react. "You think I chose to live with you because you are the dad of the year, huh? Or maybe I chose to live with you so you could force me into a religion I don't relate to with a new fucking family I didn't ask for. "

"But you love Emily and Sheila." Her dad argued back in disbelief.

"Now I do." She replied. "You didn't give me time to process the divorce because three days later I had a new woman moving into our house with her little daughter, I never had an option."

Mr. Mitchell had never realized how the divorce had affected her daughter years ago when Beca was just a kid nor having Sheila and Emily living with them. When Beca's parents decided to divorce, he did deny to pay for child support or to sell the house.

In his head it was a strategy to keep his daughter with him.

In his head Beca was never going to find out about this.

"I-" Her father was speechless. "I never thought you-."

"Yeah well, you never asked or checked in on me." Beca shrugged with a fake smile. "If I'm living with you now is because I didn't want mom to have money issues caused by you."

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