4. After class

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Once the weekend was finally over Beca was once again at the school's quad, fooling with her guitar. She was improvising some riffs during lunch time while two of her bests friends laid besides her.

"When did you got so good at this?" Benji asked breaking the silence.

Beca shrugged as her fingers kept playing the strings.

"By the way at church I never asked you if you talked to Chloe again." The taller brunette said as she sat up.

Beca glared at her without raising her head. "She called on Friday night."

She told her about the phone call and the guitar thing during the call, she also told her that they haven't spoken after late night call.

"Poor girl, she's dealing all alone with her grandad?" Stacie asked.

Beca nodded. "I mean she has her aunt and uncle, but yes pretty much all alone."

After hearing all that Benji felt lost. "I feel like I shouldn't ask but, who is Claire?"

"Chloe." Beca corrected.

"Chloe." he repeated. "Is a new friend of yours?"

Beca sighed and run a hand through her hair before explaining to Benji the whole deal. Even tho it was noon and the sun was shining there was certain cold in the weather that made it so likeable to both teenagers.

"Aren't you intrigued?" Stacie asked grinning at Beca once she finished telling Benji how she started to talk to Chloe.

Intrigued? Beca was dying to put a face to the name of Chloe Beale.

Beca nodded in response.

Stacie slapped Beca's arms "Then why the hell haven't you two met already."

"First of all, ouch. Secondly we haven't been talking for that long and I feared she would be an old man or worse." She said rolling her eyes. "Last but not least, slap me again and I will cut your wrist off." Beca threatened with an acusing finger.

"That was the most illogical thing you have ever said." Stacie laughed. Beca looked at her in confusion quirking an eyebrow to which Stacie rolled her eyes. "YOU feared? She is an innocent girl with a wrong number, you on the other hand are some unknown girl who started to ask a stranger if they were okay out of the blue?"

Well, that made sense and Beca couldn't deny it.

"Zip it." Beca said.

The bell rang, Benji excused himself and told them he was meeting Emily before next period. Just as Beca's lunch time was over in Barden High, at Atlanta High Chloe was just leaving math with Aubrey by her side.

She found it easy to talk to the blonde girl, they clicked instantly and were starting to be pretty good friends. Aubrey was telling Chloe something she had done during her weekend when Amy, an Australian extrovert blonde girl, approached them.

"Hey Aubrey, hey red." The aussie greeted.

"Amy, right?" Chloe asked flashing her beautiful smile at the girl.

"That's correct, but you can call me Fat Amy." She winked.

Before Chloe could ask why, Amy continued to talk to Aubrey.

"Anyways I need to Ace the next literature test." Amy said looking between both girl back and forth. "mind lending a hand to your favorite girl?"

"I'm doing more than fine in literature, maybe you can come home this Sunday?" Chloe said.

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