Gilbert's childhood (English)

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Gilbert Blythe had not had a happy childhood. He had been the oldest of six at only the age of seven and he has been forced to watch them slowly fade away.

The youngest of the Blythes were the twins Ethel and Rose who were only a month old. Then came the mischievous Ronald who at the age of only three had already earned a reputation as a heart breaker. Next was Francis, a quiet young lad who at the age of four and a half already showed an interest in literature. Five year old Amy was Gilbert's favourite.

Amy was not like the rest of the Blythes, she was small and very pale. Her hair wasn't the typical Blythe brown, it had a mild but definitive red tinge. Amy was loud and talkative when she was not sick in bed, which was most of the time.

Gilbert absolutely adored her and often spent entire days sitting next to her bed telling her stories about knights and dragons and foreign lands. But one day he fell asleep while reading a story and he woke up to find her cold and pale.
"MOTHER! FATHER!" He shouted while hugging the book to his chest. The parents came rushing in and neared Amy. They both shook their heads with sorrow.

All Gilbert could think is that he hadn't finished the story.

His mother grieved alone in her room and refused to leave even to feed her beloved babies and children. Gilbert and Father tried their hardest to feed them all, but what the twins needed was their mother. Soon they became pale and week and it was only a matter of time until they caught sickness.

Their mother was informed and she rushed to nurse them hoping her mistake could still be repaired, but it was in vain. First went Rose and soon after Ethel with one final cry.

Gilbert was devastated and started to spend all his free time cramming his brain with school work in an attempt to keep out the grief as he watched his family slowly grow smaller. Him and his father were the ones who did everything, all the housework and cooking, and they grew very close; especially when Mother grew ill.

The two men tried their best to keep Ronald and Francis away from the sickness as they slowly watched their mother waste away to nothing. But soon after the two boys started to feel unwell and were immediately sent to bed.

Everyday a new doctor would come up to check on mother and the two boys and everytime the doctors would say they could do nothing. The costs of these doctors kept on coming and Father was forced to work all day, leaving Gilbert in charge of the house and of the sick. The poor nine year old wished more than anything that his family would get better and he vowed to find a way if possible.

The first of January the very next year his beloved mother died and two days later the two handsome boys. Gilbert grieved more than ever at the loss of his family and continued to bury himself in school and in the fairytales.

When his father got ill he cared for him without a single complaint and wished that he would not loose his father too. So he read a few books and decided the best thing to do would be to take him travelling to the coast until he was better. But he would not get better and so they both returned home.

All of this ran through Gilbert Blythe's head as he saw Anne for the first time. Something about her small figure looking fearfully at Billy reminded him of his beloved Amy. He vowed to himself that he would not let this girl get hurt, he would protect this girl as he wished he could have protected his family.

The end.

HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE! I know this one-shot isn't exactly the happiest but I wanted to write it sooo... 😂❤


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