This is my Pack - Chapter Twelve

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Lily's POV

I keep cutting off her air supply, I'm not going to kill her. I am just going to keep it up, until she submits. She needs to learn who the Alpha is. I can feel arms wrap around my waist, trying to pull me off of Melissa but my wolf and I are stronger than whoever is trying to pull me off.

Melissa is starting to fade, losing consciousness. I can feel her thrust her neck to me as much as she can, submitting to me. I let her go, and stand, backing away from her. She rolls to her side coughing, trying to catch her breath. I turned around to see who grabbed me, it was Mark who was staring at me like I had two heads. 

"I wasn't going to kill her, she just needed to learn her place." I tell him, causing him to look a bit relieved. "Why would she submit to you? I'm the Alpha." Blake says, interjecting himself into this. "I'm the true Alpha of this pack, not you, even your own wolf knows that." I tell him, my wolf is so mad, angry at his wolf in front of pretending to be an alpha. I hate holding her back. She's my best friend but we have to wait.

"If you're the alpha, then where have you been all this time? Cowering in a corner?" He teases trying to hit me hard with his words. "The only reason your alpha is because you kept me locked in a cell, beating me until I had to run away in order to survive. You're nothing but a coward that was afraid of a seven-year-old girl and the power she would grow to have over you!" I yell at him, my wolf right below the surface.  "Are you challenging me, mutt?!" He yells at me, smirking like he's already won. I look around the pack, some of them look hopeful. "Yes, I am." I'm taking this pack back or I'll die trying.

The pack tensed at my words. Who wouldn't? The last time I saw them I was a little girl; they don't know how strong I am. "Well, let's get this over with, it's almost time for my lunch." Blake teases again, but that's all he can do, tease people. I growl at him. I am going to love ripping his throat out.

We walk towards the clearing to fight when I feel a hand grab my shoulder. I turn to see who it is. It's Xavier. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks. He's worried about me, his wolf peeking through his eyes, checking on his little sister. "I'll be fine, you've seen me fight before." I say, smiling at him. He still looks worried. "Look this is my pack, and I have to help them. You know that." I tell him. He's an alpha too, he gets it. 

"Alright. Just-Just be careful, I love you, little sis." He tells me, making me give him a hug. I return it then I turn and make my way towards the clearing. The pack gathered around; they look nervous for what's about to happen.

"No shifting till I say." Xavier says. I make eye contact with Blake, my wolf stands in my mind ready for the fight about to come. He charges at me full speed, I quickly dodge it. He turns around, and throws a punch, I duck under it, and throw my own. My punch connects with his jaw, and my free hand jabs him in the stomach.

He doubles over, and I kick him over, making him fall to the ground. I back away from him. "Aww does the baby have a boo-boo?" I tease him. This fight is too easy, he's mad and his anger is driving everything he does. He growls at me and jumps to his feet. "Shift " Xavier says, allowing us to shift into our wolves. Blake shifts first, and runs towards me, I move to dodge him, but his teeth catch me shoulder.

He shakes his head with my flesh in his mouth, and I punch him in the ribs. He goes flying eight feet away, colliding with a tree. I leap in the air and shift into my wolf, just as he regains his footing. He growls at me again, but there is fear in it now. Pathetic, his wolf knows this right is pointless but Blake is going to take them both out. I growl back at him, and show no fear, my alpha blood humming louder. A few other wolves closer to the fight cower, letting out whimpers.

This time I charge at him, I squeeze under him, and wrap my jaws around his hind leg, I can hear him whimper. He begins to claw at my back, so I bite harder until I hear the bone crunch. I buck him off my back, and he hits the ground. My back stings, but I pay no attention to it. My wolf is furious waiting to finish him.

I walk over to him, until I am on top of him. I quickly wrap my jaws around his throat, and begin to squeeze. He thrusts his throat towards me, but I keep squeezing, this is a fight to the death. He knew that. I taste his blood in my mouth, and he slowly stops struggling. He will be enjoying his lunch in hell.

I don't hear his heartbeat anymore, so I let go, and get off his body. The pack has shifted to there wolves. I look at them, and they all bow to me, their beasts present in their eyes, looking to there new alpha. I yip at them then toss my head back, and howl. They all howl with me, their new Alpha. Then I take off running, I can feel them all around me. I can hear their thoughts, their feelings, their freedom.

Running with the pack makes you forget the bad things, it doesn't matter that I'm hurt, just that I'm with them. This is my pack, and no one is going to take them from me again. Ever.

Hey, guys. I'm really, really happy because I have 390 views!! Thank you everyone for reading this. Also I am sorry it has been a while since I published chapters and I'm really sorry, but thank you for sticking with me. -XOXO Morgan.

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