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Lily's POV

Everything is so fuzzy, my head is pounding. My eyes feel so heavy. I can hear voices around me. "When will she wake up?" A deep voice said. "Any minute now." One responded.

I hear a door close, and open my eyes, as much as I can. I'm in a concrete room, its really dirty. There are no windows either. I see the door, and get up from the old bed I was on.

I get a few step when I feel shooting pain in my wrists. I let out a hiss of pain, and look down to see silver chains around my wrists. Silver is a werewolves worst enemy. It feels like acid is being thrown on us.

I know this is gonna hurt, but I need to test the strength of these chains. I grab the chains in my hands, and yank. I bit my lip to keep in my screams, but that doesn't help with the tears. The chains are too strong. I let go quickly, and see my hands have huge burn marks on them.

I move them a little, and groan at the pain it brings. "Did you hear that?" Someone says. Shit, I knew I should have been quieter. "Go tell him she's up." Someone else says. I hear a pair of footsteps leaving, but another walks to the door.

I could pretend I'm sleeping, but they already now I'm awake. The door opens, and a boy walks through he looks a bit older than me. I make sure my face shows no emotion. "Finally, your awake. Now we can start." He says.

He pulls out a needle, and another boy walks in. They walk closer to, and I start to back up, I can't fight with these chains on my wrists. One runs at me, I sling the chain at them, and it burns him. The other makes his move, but I see it coming.

I duck under his arms and kick him in the leg. He grunts, and the other wraps his arms around me, I kick off the ground, and kick the other in the stomach, I stomp my feet on the one holding me. He lets go, I try to pull the chains off again.

Just as there about to come lose, I feel a sharp pain in my neck, and once again everything goes black, and I'm left with one thought. My pack, and my mate. Also that these guys are assholes. So two thoughts.
So what do you guys think? Sorry I left you with the cliff hanger again. Also I'd like to thank the person who commented "Love it. Thank you for updating." That really made me more confident. Also a thanks to everyone reading this, it means a lot. Till next time. -XOXO Morgan.

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