Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I tapped on the librarians shoulder.

"Um excuse can we ask you a question?"

The librarian finally turned around. He looks really old. Maybe he's in his 60's.

"Yes" he said in a harsh tone

I looked down at his shirt and saw a tag. Mr Stevie. Maybe that's his name.

"About yesterday. I'm sorry for yelling at you. It was hard believing in every thing you said. Today I believe everything because something strange happened." Ryder said

I saw the Mr Stevie's eyes widen.

"What happened!" he asked

"Well I came here to read my book when I heard some whispering. It said open me. I followed the voice and ended up right in front of the ghost book and-" I was interrupted

"What! I threw that evil book away! How could it return?" Me Stevie exclaimed

He threw the book away so how could a book come back?

"Let me continue. My hands turned numb and my legs. They were out of my control. It felt like something else was controlling me. It made me grab the book. I almost opened it but then Ryder tackled me down. The book flew out of my hands." I told him

"That can't be happening! Its getting stronger. I didn't know it was gonna happen this fast." The librarian said

"What do you mean this can't be happening and what is getting stronger?" Ryder asked

"You kids will not understand. All you two have to do is try to get out of here. Once you get in it's harder to get out." with that the librarian walked away. I turned towards Ryder.

"Ryder we need to find out about this book. He didn't answer our questions."

"I know Riley but he told us to get out of this place. I want to get out too. This place is freaking me out and I don't want you to get hurt."

I blushed. Riley don't fall for his tricks! I also want to go home but I really want to find out about this book. Maybe I should leave. Ill be wasting my vacation on a stupid book if I don't leave.

"Okay." I said

"We should go find Justin and your cousin."

I nodded. we started walking towards his room.

"Hey! we are going to the same resort so we can have some fun there." Ryder said

"Yeah. I forgot about the resort. I just hope that Vicky and your brother will agree on going." I smiled

We opened the door to Ryder's room to see if Justin and Vicky were there. They were and the were having a nice conversation.

"Uhhhh hello." I waved awkwardly


Ryder's POV

Riley waved awkwardly at them. I made a crooked smile.

"Sorry for disturbing you guy's." I apologized

"No no no! You guys didn't disturb anything we were talking." Vicky said

"Okay." I said

"Vicky can I talk to you in our room please" Riley asked


Both girls walked out the door to their rooms.

"Soooooo what with you and Vicky?" I smirked

Justin's face got hot. "Oh that um. I was showing her around and then we came here. We started talking. You just had to barge in and destroy my moment! Ryder you know no hot girls like me and finally this really sweet girl comes." he said in one breath.

"Sorry. She is nice. You should ask her out." I said

"I'm not sure. Maybe when we get to the resort."

I remembered why I came here.

"Oh about that. I think we should leave tomorrow morning." I told him

"Why?" be asked

Should I tell him? Nah he's just gonna think I'm crazy.

"So you can ask her out." I lied

"Oh. So what's with you and the nerd." This time it was his turn to smirk


"Oh really."

He took out his phone and shoved it in my face.

"Than explain this." he said

My eyes widened.

"I am so gonna KILL you!" I yelled

It was a picture of Riley and me sleeping.

"Don't you dare put that on the internet!"

"I won't if you explain." he said

i groaned "okay okay."

"We were tired so we decided to sleep. our room was locked and I didn't know where you were so I slept in her room." I explained

"Oh so you don't like her?"

"Of course not! We live in 2 different worlds." I said frustrated

"Yeah but Vicky and me live in two different worlds and we are okay." he said

He had a point.

"Let's just sleep" I sighed


I climbed in to the bed. Maybe I should find more info about the book. No! I don't want to get Riley hurt. Did I just say that? ughhhh! I can't forget about her. Back to the book. That book is always pulling me towards it. I have this urge to go to the library and open the damn book. Look at the facts. Maybe it's just a prank. A book can't kill you. Can it? Ill talk to Riley in the morning. Before falling asleep I heard a whisper.

"Open me or you doomed."

Just a prank I said in my mind. Just a prank.


There most likely will be more about the ghost book in the 13 th chapter. Hope you guys loved this chapter. vote and comment!

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