Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It was bloody. There were huge slashes on it's arms where blood dropped down like a waterfall. It's face was cover in blood so I couldn't see any details. It limped towards me. I broke out of my trance and backed away from it. I hit the wall and I didn't know where to go. My grip on my bag tightened. Never thought my life would depend on a bag. The monster had come closer now. I'm guessing it's a zombie. Maybe it's hungry and it wants to eat my brain! I want my brain! How will I study or read. F**k I won't even be alive! The zombie had come so close now that some of the blood dripped down on me. I was just about to toss my bag at it when the zombie collapsed on my fragile body. My shoulders tensed. What? Is it dead? Well it's already dead! What happened to it? Did it like shut down or something?

"Bed..." It moaned

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Bed? What's gonna happen there?

I didn't know where to put the monster so a hobbled my way to the bed dragging the monster with me. It was really frightening that I was actually holding a zombie. Will it wake up and charge at me? I gulped and set the zombie down on the bed. Nothing happened. I just stared at it. It's chest rose up and down. Oh it's alive.

"Ummmmmm." What do I do?

It's eyes popped open. I looked at them and saw that they were a bright blue colour. Wow! Who knew that monsters eyes could be so pretty. Its hands shot out and grabbed my waist. Before I knew it I was on top of the zombie being hugged. I didn't move at all. I was too scared it would do something to me if it did. This person felt familiar.


My eyebrows shot up. I got up slowly and I took another look at it's face. I gasped and hugged him. It was Justin. Ryder's brother.

"Oh mi gosh! Justin are you fine!" well of course he's not! He bleeding every where.

"Could you please clean me up." Be asked

His voice was barely whisper. It was like he had to force his voice out. I nodded slowly. I found some spare napkins and and a towel. I wiped all the blood off his face and arms. His face became visible. His skin was pale. His eyes fluttered close as I worked on cleaning his arms.

"Could you talk now?" I asked

Questions were building up in my head wanting to explode. He nodded.

"Could you help me up." he whispered

I put one hand under his arm and one on his back. He got up and laid his head back a little against the head rest. I just stared at him. I was both happy and surprised.

"I know what your thinking..... While we were waiting for you I thought it would be funny to scare you guys so I went in after you. Violet was behind me but for some odd reason she couldn't get inside. the door was open but she couldn't come inside. It was like some invisible thing was push her out. I started to freak out so I was about to run outside but the doors slammed closed before I could even reach Violet. Everything got dark and I could hear your voices. I tried yelling your names out but nothing came out. I just stood there paralyzed not understanding what to do. Soon the lights came back on and I noticed some blood on the ground. I heard you screaming so I guessed it was yours. I reached out to find my glasses. I could actually see without them but I wear them anyway. They fell off somehow. Then I noticed that I was invisible and I couldn't talk. I couldn't see my hand in front of me but I could feel it there. Something took over my body and I had no idea what did. I don't know what I was possessed with or what I did while I was possessed. All I remember is opening some book with you guys but you couldn't see me. Do you know what book we were opening? And where is Ryder." He explained

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