Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Riley POV

I expected a big white light to burst out of the book. I expected a evil ghost or even blood to burst out of the book but no. All that had burst out of the book was just a little dust from the pages. I looked down at the pages of the book and my jaw hung open. I glanced at Ryder and saw his jaw hanging out too. My eyebrows were knitted together in confusion and even little bit of fear.

"W-w-what!" Ryder stuttered

"I don't know. This is all?" I asked him

"There got to be something wrong. Why would the voice want to us to open the book just so we can see blank pages!" Ryder exclaimed

Yep. The Ghost Book was just full of black white pages. I heard some horrid laughing in the back ground. The library began to shake. Pieces of the ceiling came crashing down. Book shelfs toppled down. The laughing continued. I was screaming like a maniac. The library is going to fall on Ryder and Me! We're gonna be buried if we don't get out!

"Ryder! We need to get out or we're gonna be squashed by all these pieces of the ceiling." I screamed pointing at the exit.

"Look out!" he screamed

What? I looked up and tried to scream but nothing came out. It was like I was in a trance just staring at a huge piece of the ceiling about to fall on me. I felt something smash on my hip and wrap their arms around me yelling. We smashed to the ground breathing like crazy. I opened my eyes and saw Ryder staring at me.

"You okay?" He said

I nodded. He got up quickly bringing me with him. We started running towards the door dodging all the pieces of the ceiling and the book shelves falling. I heard a scream and my hand was cold. I turned around and saw Ryder's leg stuck under a book shelf. I screamed as my eyes watered. I scurried over to Ryder and tried picking up the book shelf with my hands but it wouldn't budge. Tears pooled in my eyes threatening to fall but I couldn't cry. I had to stay strong and get both of us out of this death trap. I thought we were able to escape if we opened the book.

"Ryder I'll get you out!" I screamed

"No." He whispered

"I have to Ryder! I can't leave you here."

"Go Riley or I will do suicide right here. There's pieces of glass every where." He hissed harshly

"I won't let you."

He grabbed a piece of glass and was about to slash it across his throat. I started to panic and slapped the piece of glass away. He put a hand on my cheek. Some little pieces of the ceiling hit my head making me a bit dizzy.

"Go." He whispered

I stared at his eyes. Someone needed to be there for his brother. I can't leave my whole family just for a guy I met a few days ago. I got up slowly and started towards the door. I wiped my tears away. I curled my hands into a fist and sprinted to the door. I notice a huge piece just about to fall on to the exit. I added all the power I had left in my legs and jumped out of the the library as the piece of the ceiling fell covering the exit completely. Ryder. I thought. He's stuck in there. Maybe crushed with book shelves or buried under pieces of glass and the ceiling. I couldn't hold it anymore. Tears burst out of my eyes. I'm all alone now. I don't know if I'll be able to find a way out or if I'll even be alive by the end of this day.

"Ryder! I need you! I need you! I'm stuck!" I screamed

That library was gone. How did this happen. We just opened the ghost book. Nothing was in it......... What if there was but we were not able to see it? Whatever it is I don't care at the moment. I just want Ryder back. He sacrificed himself for me and I just met him a few days ago. I wonder what Violet and Justin are doing. I just sat there in front of the doors to the library. I had scratches and bruises everywhere. I just stared at the doors hoping that Ryder could find a way out. the hallway was dark. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I stopped crying. I didn't know what to do anymore. I was scared and sad. I just laid back on the floor and stared at the ceiling. Did I maybe like Ryder a bit more than a friend. Maybe just a little crush but now there's no point. I don't think I will be able to escape by myself. I felt something splatter onto my cheek. It felt warm. I lifted my hand and touching the liquid that has fallen on me. I tried to see what it was but it was too dark. I remembered that I have my phone in my pocket so I took it out and turned it on. I gasped. There wad blood on my hand! I got up looking at the walls frantically. Oh Mi Gosh! There was blood oozing out of the walls. What's happening! I felt something wet around my ankles. Looking down I saw that the whole hall way was being filled with blood. Where is all this blood coming from? I felt my heartbeat quicken as the blood rose to my knees. I felt like I couldn't breath. The terror was too much. Ghosts and losing Ryder was enough but being drowned in blood is over the limits!

"Why are you doing this! You said you will let me and Ryder free if we opened the book!" I screamed

Tears were pouring down my cheeks. The blood had reached my stomach.

"I said I will let you out but I didn't say how." The voice said

Ughhhh I hate the sound of the voice. The blood rose right below my neck. This was so not how I imagined my death. I tried swimming out of the blood and happily I was able to reach the my rooms door. I tried finding the door knob under all the blood. When I finally sound the door knob I put my hand on it. The blood had risen right under my chin. If I don't get out of all this blood soon I will drown. Praying that there was no blood in my room I opened the door. I opened my eyes and saw that the room was completely dry. Some bloods started pouring into the room is I slammed the door shut with all my strength causing all of the blood being locked outside. I slid down to the floor and hit my head on the door. I was panting like crazy. I was just about to be drowned in blood! My clothes were soaked with warm blood and my glasses had huge red splotches everywhere. I got up a wobbled towards my bed. My room had one candle on so there was little light. The candle gave the room a ghost like look making me more frightened but I needed the light for now. Ryder's gone...... He left me in this stupid haunted hotel. I cried away all the tears that were left in me. The pang of hurt was to much for me. It felt like I knew Ryder for years. What do I do? How do I get out? Ryder's gone but it doesn't mean I have to stop trying to escape. I had family and friends waiting for me outside of this hotel worried. But first I'm gonna get out of these bloody clothes to think straight. I went to my drawer and opened it. I gasped. All my clothes were gone. Anger boiled inside me.

"You could have at least left some clothes for me!" I screamed

I knew the voice had heard me even if I couldn't hear our see it. I had to stay in dried up blood until I leave....... Or die. This all started because we opened the ghost book. What did the voice mean by I told you I will let you out but not how? I really wish Ryder was here with me helping me out with this problem. The thought of Ryder made my heart shatter to a million pieces. He was the only person that I had close to a human being. I sighed and ran a bloody hand through my dripping bloody hair. I need to start thinking of a plan. All of a sudden the door to my room started banging. Is it a ghost? I grabbed my bag and stuttered "Who's t-t-there?"

my eyes were wide open and my body was shaking with terror. I think if I looked I the mirror I would be screaming because I look like a bloody monster. Who could be outside that door? A ghost? More blood? A scarier looking bloody monster?

When the door broke down I screamed. Right there standing on the broken door was a monster.


What type of monster do you guys think this is? This chap is sadly also short.


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