Chapter three

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Big Papa watched you as you exited the bar, putting a cigar in his mouth and lighting it, he took a slow drawn out puff.

He exhaled, watching the grayish colored smoke curl up like some kind of Japanese dragon in the air, slowly disappearing.
Getting up he pushed in his chair and walked over to Grillby, as Frisk winked at him and wrapped her yellow tinted arm around some guy.
Sucking in more of the smoke, he casually asked Grillby who you were.

Grillby glanced quickly as the skeleton,
"If I answer will that mean I don't owe you a favor anymore?" He asked, Sans could have sworn he saw him fucking smirk.

Big papa let out a deep breath, blowing smoke into his orange face, leaning on the bar he replied; "..Depends on the answer ya give me, she's pretty good lookin' Grillby, I would pay a lotta money to tap that." He chuckled darkly, looking at him.
"Yet you won't pay your tab."
Sans laughed, forcing a sharp toothed smile.
Grillby put his hands up in defense, muttering curses under his breath, "Alright! Alright! She's one of my workers, works back stage.." Grillby polished a glass, as Frisk and her beau walked out of the bar, closing the door behind them.

The flame man cleared his throat, as Sans pressed on.
" Ya know, I don't get how Frisk can sing so beautifully in here.. but outside of your place she sounds like a god damn wailing cat gettin' run over by a lawn mower gettin' crushed by a bull dozer." Smirking, he looked over at the bar tender, notcing that his flames got a little more intense.
"Fuckin- you better not tell anyone Sans, I swear!" He whispered, "I'll fucking have you dusted if you do."
"Won't leave this here establishment, flame boy, you have my word."
Sighing Grillby answered; "she's the one who sings, while Frisk performs. Happy?" Grillby growled out,"Now Leave."
"Jeez! No need to get so flame headed, might burn the place down." Sans snickered as he sauntered towards the door, closing it behind him.

Big Papa decided that, no matter what,he would make you his song bird, a voice like that shouldn't be hidden, he thought to himself, as he got into car, turning the key.
Beauty like that shouldn't be kept in the dark, damn it.

He growled and sped on home, parking in the garage he entered the house, quietly sneaking his way to his bedroom.
Opening the door to the room he sighed, thinking how much better it would be to have someone to come home to, sure, he loved his brother and all, but - it would be nice to come home to a sweet kind voice once in a while.

You sure as hell sounded nice, he remembered you singing, he could still hear the emotion, it seemed to echo in this lonely dark room of his.
Closing the door he flopped down in the bed and dreamed of you singing for him.

Him and only him.

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