Chapter nine

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An: I have finally updated! Hooray! ɐup ʇo ʇɥɐʇ dǝɹsou ʍɥo sɐıp lɐʎǝɐɹ ʇɥɐʇ ıʇs qǝǝu ɐ ʎǝɐɹ! ʍɥǝu ıʇ ʍɐs ɹǝɐllʎ oulʎ ɐ ɟǝʍ ɯouʇɥs, uoʍ ıʇ ɥɐs qǝǝu ɐ ʎǝɐɹ. Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy, thank you for all your patience and support! Your lovely comments honestly keep me going, and I'm surprised with how well people responded to my last note— I expected a lot of backlash! But that never happened! So thank you for all your positive comments, they're honestly the only reason why I updated.

You prediction was right. It was a long day.

Frisk kept complaining about her head hurting no matter what you did. She kept whining and bitching about everything you did. It didn't matter if you kept quiet, or if you were loud. There was some form of complaining.

So, by the end of the day, when the door knocked, you groaned, legs tired. You had to go to the store multiple times, and weren't even allowed to use the damn car. So, you had to walk a mile to, and a mile back. Four fucking times or Frisk would keep yelling till you did.

You hated it when she got drunk.
It always reminded you of your parents. And even though they were complete jerks, you knew they had their reasons for abusing, but it wasn't an excuse. They never tried to get better. All they did was kept at it, so of course you ran away, deciding it was better to live on the streets than in that old building where they lived, always lazing around and never paying rent.

The knocking on the door continued.

You sighed, deepening your voice as you yelled— "WHO IS IT?!"


You rolled your eyes, "Someone's at the door!"


"Well, you're yelling!"

"Is this a bad time?"

Your head snapped towards the familiar voice, it was Big Papa. Your cheeks flushed as you replied loudly, "No! I'm coming!"

Sighing, you got up from the couch and opened the door.

Big Papa smiled as you did, cheeks red.

"Hey... it's a little cold out here.. uh, can I come in?"

"Of course!" You ushered him inside, closing the door behind him, "Sit!"
You gestured to the couch and watched him sit down, before going to the kitchen and putting a kettle on the stove.

"You sure it isn't a bad time?"
"Oh yeah.. it's fine. I just got done cleaning everything.."

Sans nodded, taking in the now clean apartment, before sitting down on the couch, his cheeks a bright red.

"You want anything?"

He looked up at you, wondering if he did something wrong or if he was being rude— god, his souls couldn't stop.. buzzing around you. Even when you weren't singing, your voice sounded sweeter than cherry pie.


"I got food, some drinks.. um.. lemme see.." you walked to the kitchen, feeling a bit sweaty (since you really did clean) and looked around, thankful you didn't miss a spot.

"Oh, I got some lemonade, some cherry coke.. a few cookies too.." you murmured, looking into the fridge and grabbing the fresh cookies you made a day ago, "Oh and I got some milk and other stuff—"

"I wouldn't mind some cookies."


You grabbed yourself a drink and brought the cookies, sitting on the couch next to him, you handed him the plastic bag, he opened it and took two, you also took two, placing your cold glass on the coffee table in front of you.

You sighed, knowing that today was your last day off before work tomorrow, and you hated it, wanting to just.. relax and never have to work ever again.

"Ya look tired."

You glanced over at him, "Yeah, I'm pretty tired but.. well, what can I say? I practically do all the work around here, so.." you shrugged before sighing, chewing on your cookie and looking out the window a few feet away from you, watching the snow fall.

"Maybe ya should rest.. ya know.. relax a bit.." Big app shrugged, fidgeting as he watched you from the corner of his eye, hoping he didn't have hearts in his eyes. You were sweet and a hard worker? He loved that! Plus that voice too? He could listen to it all day, all night even.. everyday all day.. he couldn't help but imagine..

No wait he shouldn't imagine you locked up in a pretty luxurious bedroom as he treated you like loyalty, singing as you dressed in luxurious clothes, serenading him with your voice. He shouldn't imagine taking you to a a big mansion that he had customized just for the two of you and you'd be hesitant at first but you'd thank him, saying that this was much better than what you were living..

No, he shouldn't imagine that. He shouldn't.

He shouldn't even think of that, keeping you locked away.. keeping you caged like a little song bird, making you sing for him and only him. He shouldn't.

He finished his second cookie, and the both of you sat in comfortable silence, you sighing once more and closing your eyes, relaxing for the first time in a while.

Frisk said Sans liked you, but that just didn't make sense— you barely knew him. But you couldn't deny the fact that you did have a little crush on him, and thought of him as a giant sweetheart who seemed.. oddly cuddleable.

You sat up and cracked your shoulders, stretching before he suggested something—

"Wanna go get something to eat?"

You looked at him in surprise, before catching yourself, "I'd love to. Just let me get dressed, I'm in my lazy clothes. I'll be back in a few minutes."

You left the living room and went to your room, putting on a sweater and pants, put on some deodorant and grabbed your wallet. You went into the living room and told Sans you were ready, he got up from the couch, opened the door, and you made sure to grab your phone, put on your boots, and wrap yourself in your coat before leaving.

Big papa couldn't keep the thought of having you all to himself out of his head. He watched you go down the stairs before closing the door, feeling... happy, that he had you all to himself, even if it was just for a moment..

One day it would be forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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