Chapter eight

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First thing is first- 4.81k reads?! You guys!!!
Ah! I never really thought people would enjoy this story as much as they did! And honestly, I'm so happy! I hope y'all will continue to enjoy it to the very end! AND ALSO I AM SO SORRY I DID NOT FINISH THIS BY CHRISTMAS!! I hope you guys can forgive me, I thought it would be a good time frame and all, but life has been so busy and I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone!! Love you all! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Reader, I married him.

Stopping, he looked at the line.
Jane actually did marry Rochester, a man who tried to trick her by pretending to be a fortune teller, a man who married a mad woman, and locked her up in the attic- if a man like that, could marry a girl like Jane, then why in the hell couldn't her marry you?

He couldn't find a reason to not marry you.
You were soft, and pretty.. and adorable, and smart..

Big papa just felt like he needed more time, is all- he wanted to know you inside and out.

He put down the book, and sighed, turning off his bedside lap, he lay down.
The sun was starting to come up, but it barely painted the sky.
Maybe it was a sign, maybe he should actually do what he thought of doing for the past few days...maybe he should-

No, no, he couldn't do that.
You would hate him if he did that- but then again, couldn't you grow to love him?
You did seem to like him a bit, and trust him, he didn't want to risk that.

So, maybe, he thought, he should wait.

He could see it, he would stand by your side, be your friend, then your best friend, and then your boyfriend, and then your husband. Then, the two of you would grow old together. Perfectly happy.

Smiling, he put his arms behind his head, and felt his cheeks flush.
Gosh, you were so pretty and sweet!
He closed his eyes, and imagined you there, he could feel your warm form nuzzling into his neck, and singing him softly to sleep.

You, on the other hand, were getting up, grumpily from your bed, you went to the kitchen, made a mug of coffee, and grabbed the car keys, you needed to pick Frisk up again.

Sighing, you didn't even bother to put on that new coat you bought, instead you grabbed an old sweater, put on some boots, and went to pick up Frisk.

It was a long drive, she was hours out of town, which kind of pissed you off, but whatever. It was her car anyway- even though you mostly took care of it, you scrubbed it with water weekly, cleaned the interior every two weeks or so, and (even though Frisk forbade you from using it without her permission) you did take it on the occasional joy ride to the car wash.

Before turning out of the parking lot, you put the address of her date into your phone, and sailed off into the sunrise.

Traffic wasn't too bad, and the drive was rather peaceful, you loved how as the hours went on by, the sun coated everything in yellow, causing the snow on the trees to burst with light.
You even turned on the radio, enjoying the soft music that played from the speakers.

After three hours, you arrived at your destination, knocked on the door, waited for Frisk, and got her into your car.
She was definitely drunk.

"(Y/n)! Omg! Hey!"
"Hi Frisk." You said, starting the car up again, and getting out of the driveway of her date's house.

Frisk was in the back seat, and was giggling her ass off.
You ignored her as you turned onto the freeway, and turned up the radio.
"I have to tell you something!"
"Okay, What is it?" You asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.
"Okay, so there's this guy I know and he likes you."
"That's nice."
"No, no like- auhh, he likes likes you!"
"I'm serious!!"
Sighing, you glared at her, "Who is it?"
Snickering, Frisk put her arms around the seat she was sitting behind, "It's Sans!"
"Okay? All you have to say is okay?! He likes you!!"
"Frisk, you're drunk."
"...Nothing, nothing."

You turned up the radio, and dismissed the conversation.
Some nice guy liking you?
Yeah right.

The roads passed by, a blur of trees that faded into skyscrapers.
Driving down the road, you passed the giant like buildings, grey and bleak, you turned a street corner and pulled up into your apartment.
Frisk was passed out, and you were too lazy to wake her up, so you ended up picking her and getting your phone and the keys.

She wasn't that heavy, so you managed.
Opening the door, you put her down and closed it.

Frisk slept peacefully on the couch, you cleaned as she slept, trying to think what she said all through.

You swept.
She was drunk.
You mopped.
She probably didn't mean it.
You dusted.
Sans was pretty nice... maybe he did like you?
You cleaned the windows.
Probably not, what kind of guys liked you?

You groaned as you went to wash the dishes, pushing the thought aside.

It was gonna be a long day.

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