Chapter four

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He woke up to the sound of pounding and screaming, "SANS! YOU IMBECILE! GET UP!"
Big Papa groaned, threw off the fluffy blanket he was wrapped in and stumbled to the door.

"Boss, what the hell?" Eyes half closed he looked up at the tall skeleton.
"What?" He asked groggily, barely even processing the words his brother was saying.
"FRISK YOU DAMNED IDIOT." Papyrus shoved the drunk staggering human into Sans arms, and slammed the door, grumbling.

"Sans? Is that youu?" She giggled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and resting her head on his shoulder, "oh mah gawd I missed youuuu it's been ages-"
"You just saw me a few hours ago, kiddo."
"OooOOOOH YEEAH!" She laughed, "oh my god Sans. I really want food, I'm so fucking hungry."

Taking a deep breath, he pried her off his shoulder, "What the hell are ya doing here, Frisk? I said I never wanted to see your sorry ass in my house again." He growled, staring at the woman dressed in red, and noticed her smeared make up, mascara running down her face and lip stick faded.

"Whaaaaat? I can't come and see an old friend?"
He roughly grabbed her arm and opened the door, dragging her down the stairs and into the garage.
"I'm taking you home, Frisk."
"Auuuugh I don't wanna go home- You know what? Take me to my friends house, she's not as much of an asshole as you, anyway!"
He gripped the door handle and opened the door for her, throwing her in and stomping to the drivers seat.
"Tell me where she lives."
"Let me call herrrrrrrrahhh" Frisk shoves her hand down her bra and grabbed her phone, and dialed your number.
Big Papa started the car.
The phone rang a view times, until a sleepy voice answered-

His SOUL skipped a beat, was that your voice?

"Yeah, gurrl I got drunk! Aaaand I need a place to staaaayyy!"
You sighed, "Fine, I'll send you the address."
"Omg thank youuu? What would I do without a friend like yewww?"
"I don't know."
"Pshhhhh I would probably be in a garbage can fucking a dog or somethinn."
"I would be a dog fucckkkaahh"
"Frisk, honey, how many drinks did you have?"
"Tcchhhaaashhhhhuuuughhhhaaahhhahahaa I don't knoooooow~"
He heard you sigh and hang up.
Frisk put the phone back in her bra and passed out.

Sans sighed, started up the car- and oh fuck.

What was your address?

Fucking Frisk!

"Frisk!" He shook her, "Hey! Wake up! I need the fuckin address!"
Frisk groaned, pouted then took the phone out of her bra, and shoved it into his hand.
"So rude! Here!"
"What's the password?"
She groaned again, snatched the phone, typed it in and turned on her gps. "Asshole." She muttered, and fell back asleep.
Sans sighed, backed out of the garage, following the gps instructions.

He pulled up at your complex five minutes later, parked in a random parking space, and honked the horn, waking up Frisk.
She stumbled out of the car and up the stairs, knocked on your apartment door and stumbled inside.

You came outside, went downstairs and knocked on his window.
It was the guy from the bar, you panicked a little, but just figured it out as a coincidence- "Oh, um," you cleared your throat nervously, "th-thank you for um, helping Frisk- it really means a uh, thank you."
He smirked, a little bit of red tinting his cheek bones, "Oh, ya welcome sweet heart." He winked at you and drove away.

Well, maybe he wasn't so scary after all.

You bit your lip, he seemed like a nice guy.
He helped Frisk, not many people did that- she always talked about him, Sans the "scary" skeleton.

....You were glad Frisk could have someone dependable, unlike you.
You sighed, watching the car drive away into the night and went back inside, closing the door behind you.

Frisk was sprawled out on the couch, snoring.
She wasn't very dependable either, but, she was the closet thing to a friend you'd ever had.
Something inside you knew you deserved a better friend, that a friend should be better than this, that- oh, it was too many things to think about. You ignored the thoughts and turned off the kitchen light, stumbling in the silent darkness to your room.

Didn't you deserve better than this?
You wondered as you lay in bed, listening to the noises outside, the wind, the passing cars.. it was all so confusing.
Too many thoughts wondered your head, you got up and opened a cabinet in your night stand, grabbing the glass bottle and unscrewing it, popping two white pills.
After a few minutes you fell asleep, the thoughts silenced.

Sans drove home, parked the car and walked upstairs to his bedroom, collapsing on the bed, blushing and falling asleep.

An: I'm sorry it took so long guys!! And that it's so short!! I hope you can forgive me! Hopefully I'll get an update schedule figured out before summer starts, Love ya!

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