Authors note

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I'm so happy for all the support you guys have given me! But.. not to be rude, but please chill out! I don't mean to be rude or mean, but all the comments on this story are literally just continue! And honestly, it makes me low key not want to continue. Plus, someone was saying I deleted my account? Fam, I've been on here working on other stuff! I started this like.. 2018? Late 2017? And my last update was this year, 2019. In December. So please, chill. I have a life of my own and I have not been feeling motivated for the last few months! Like, I can barely even make one shots anymore.

Honestly, I'm sorry but at the same time I am not. Y'all are making a big ass deal over ten months. Ten. There are authors who literally have not updated in years. I get that you love this story and I'm more than glad! But honestly it doesn't really show with how y'all act. I have thousands of reads on this (which I'm more than thankful for! I never thought my stories would ever get that far) but literally only have a three hundred votes. Which, is one fourth my readers? So I get if you don't want to vote. But if you want me to continue vote and comment things other than continue! Please.
I didn't mind them at first, because some of them were genuinely sweet, things like I love this story! Please continue! But getting constant comments of cONtinUE is exhausting. It feels like people are just here not bc they enjoy my work, but because they want something to read with their fav character. Which! I get! But honestly, just the constant continue comments and people gasping over the date (which again, ONLY TEN MONTHS) is just so, so exhausting. I know this is going to be controversial, but with someone saying that I deleted my account (when I clearly did not, I have been writing one shots for Markiplier bc undertale has exhausted me for the last few months.) I got to test my writing in a way I couldn't here. And I'm sorry I didn't say anything about the hiatus, I understand that you like the story, but you also have to understand that I am human and I have my own life. Plus, just the constant continue comments, saying nothing about whether I wrote good or anything just drove me insane.

And I understand if you're asking yourself, well isn't it good that we want you to continue?

And my answer is: Of course! Yes! I'm glad you want me to continue! But when you say nothing about whether I'm writing good or not, it gets exhausting. Most of my comments are things like Continue!! And I don't like that. It feels like I'm getting pressured into doing something I don't want, this story was written to be enjoyable, but with the constant pressure and stress I feel from it, I have not wanted to update. I'm fine with the continue comments to a certain extent, but that's most of my comments. And the thing is, y'all don't even vote. For the ones who do! THANK YOU!! Thank you for giving me that little star and brighting up my day and letting my story spread! I cannot thank you enough.

All of my stories come from the simple need of wanting to be loved, and I just want to be able to make someone's day by putting their favorite character out there who shows them genuine affection. But it gets exhausting writing for the same character all the time. So, I gave myself a break. I want the stories I write to be sad but with happy endings, because that's what I want in my life. It's sad right now, but I constantly hope that I will make it to that happy future I've always dreamed of.

Now, I feel like this is mostly my fault for the lack of updates, I didn't have any clear plans with this story. I knew I wanted reader and Papa to be together, and that I wanted a kidnapping at the end, but that was all, and I hope you guys can forgive me for that.
But, I'm not going to always be apologizing for the lack of updates, I have a life which is super complicated. I have things that I can't do with the undertale fandom that I can do with other fandoms. And that's all I'm going to say.

All I ask of my loyal readers who have added this story to their libraries is that you have patience with me. And for those who are in the comments, begging me to continue but haven't done so, all I give you is this— :/
That's it. You're not worth my time.

For all my royal readers who have voted on every chapter, I thank you immensely, you're the only reason I even wrote eight chapters!

Also, I'm stating this for the record, no one is allowed to continue this story unless I give them explicit permission. Please respect that. Do not try to rewrite this story for me, I came up with this idea all my own and I have worked very, very hard on it. Respect that.

Anyway, thank you for reading my note.

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