Chapter 5- Mo Money- Mo Problems

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  Once I saw the blood I immediately went looking for bullet wounds and slashes. I searched and soon realized that it wasn't his blood and then I really wanted to what the hell was going on. Then Kilo and Aja came in and she began screaming like she had lost her damn mind but calmed down when she too realized that it wasn't his blood. I asked kilo what the fuck had happened and he said that he didn't know. "How you don't know if you were with him?"

"Slow down Mimi he asked me to drop him off for a few minutes because he said that he needed to handle some business."

"Baby what you could have been doing and not need Kilo's help and it looks like he should have been there."

"Look baby stop right there, I had to handle my business before it handle me. Let's just go on with our day as planned and put this behind us because it's done." Aja and Kilo turned to go back into the living room and I went upstairs to help him wash up.

"Mi could you take my clothes, out back to the furnace?" I had no idea what my baby had stepped into but by the looks of these clothes I knew it wasn't good. By the time I came back Kilo and A" were slobbering each other down to console her tears. Miami was dressed and lacing up his kicks.

"Baby what car did you choose?"

"Well my dad always drove the latest luxury car so I opted for the Mercedes. Okay so where we eating?"

"Huh", I asked giving him the baby face?

"Well really there was this spot in the 708 area."

"Baby you got to be kidding me; you want to drive way across town for some food. You honestly telling me, that they don't serve the same food right here in town?"

"Well from what I heard this is the shit."

"What could they possibly have that's so mouthwatering that we have to drive forty-five minutes just to get out grub on?"

"Cookie told me and A" that they have the best seafood platters and the best chicken and waffles."

"Hell no, better than Big Mama's

"Yep that's what she said"

"Alright damn, baby if that's where you want to go, and then let's ride." Black, Coojo and Shan were already outside smoking so we took the Mercedes and headed west. Miami wasn't to cool about stepping in territory that wasn't his. See he hadn't left foot-prints on that side of town yet so it would make it easier for some fool to get out of line and with the day I have had I wasn't trying to hear it. Once we got to the Drop Zone and it was call that on the count that the food was supposed to be so good. Miami felt a little at ease once he rolled up and saw that the place was filled with females. On the other hand, that was going to be a problem with Shan because he couldn't hold his composure around women. Seems like his mouth started moving before his damn feet and he end up talking on some shit that his ass can't cover. Kilo hated him and I had some issues with him myself but not as much as I did with Black. Black seemed to out of place and there was something about him that I just couldn't put my fingers on, not now anyway. We found a nice spot on the patio and Miami order thirty waffles, nine whole chicken with, no backs, a seafood platter for me and two pictures of frozen Sake.

Just as we began to talk I could feel the drinks putting a hurting on my kidneys so Aja and I decided to take a stroll to the Ladies room. Like anywhere you go, there was a line longer than the damn food stamp line in the Bodega on the first and fifteenth. As I looked over at the table I could see Miami hovering down his waffles, which was normal but what got me was that Black was standing over him with this fuck up expression all over his face.

"Aja I don't know what the hell is going on but I think we need to check it out." We strolled back over to the table just as Kilo began to get up but Miami was still eating.

"Hey baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing that you need to worry about. I hope that you two handled your business because we need to roll out. Get some take out plates if you want the rest." I went to the front and Aja went to pry Kilo for information but Miami had sent him to take Black to the truck as he followed in tow. I gathered the food and dropped a twenty tip and we rushed to see just what the Rush was all about.

"Miami said that she should ride with me and that Kilo was going to ride with him."

So they piled in the Hummer and we headed south. About twenty minutes into the drive, I saw the Hummer veer over to the shoulder and we heard Miami tell both Shan and Black to get the Fuck Out." I knew then that some shit was about to hit the fan. I let the window down further on the driver's side to try and intake more information. I could hear Black talking about more money, while Shan was trying to explain that it wasn't him talking business.

"Look like we are going to be here for a while, so you might as well roll one up."

"There are no more Vega's Aja said."
I stepped out to get a Vega and was just about to unwrap it when I heard Bam, Bam, Bam! The blood squirted across on Coojo and down the side of the passenger seat. I turned away in order not to seem squeamish.
Kilo tossed Miami a hanky to wipe his face, made Black get in and he rolled Shane off to the side.

"See that's what happens when I feel like I'm being hustled and unfortunately for you two Mutha-Fuckas that isn't good."

There was nothing I could say because I didn't want him to think I was weak. When I really wanted to gag like hell. I had never seen anyone get popped right before my eyes but being with Miami I'm sure it wasn't my last. Once we made it back to our side of town, I was beat and all I wanted to do was shower and chill. Trying to forget about all the shit that had happened.

"Hey baby I need to talk to you about tonight."

Miami said as I pulled out the covers to make us a pallet. You have to understand that I didn't want to do what I did tonight but it was either him or me. Besides I'm not a legend like I plan to be then it was going to have to be him. See yesterday some fools stepped to me about some shit that they heard from some bitch that heard it from Shan. The one thing that made me upset about the whole deal was that Shan always does the same shit no matter how much I talk to him. Then they started mouthing off about me taking over the game and how they know I came into some G's. All that shit was a done deal until he said he had it on tape, like they had planned to blackmail me or something. Shan was trying to sell them our game baby. Then the bitch say that she had a ticket on the nigga for fucking over her sister and she was willing to take anyone to get to him. So, see baby I had to let them and him know that the game is not to be talked about but to be about." I looked into his eyes and gave him a long hard kiss.

"Baby I know that you did what you did for a reason but do me a favor and try not do it around me."

"Yeah baby I feel what you saying but one more thing.

"What is it?"

"Kilo told me how you felt about Black and I fell that same way too. Until we figure out the shade, we have to roll with it, okay?"

He wrapped his arms around me and before long my mind was shifting and I was thinking; As long as you trying to get on top this shit will always be because The Mo-Money the Mo-Problems you will have.

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