Chapter 14- School of Narcotics

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     After I went to see Miami I had a lot of time to think about my new plan. I knew that he thought the streets had won but they hadn't. Sometimes it takes bull sit to let someone know that they are not where they should be and this was just that time. I had told Coojo that I wanted to learn the art of the game. Coojo was no Miami but he knew enough to get me by until I decided on something else.

With the baby coming there wasn't much time for games and with that in mind it was either now or later for me. In my book there was no later so I got with the game quickly and took control.

I went to my mom's to talk to LaLa about the Connect their uncle. A cat name Vicious Villain or just Villain if he said so. He bought that name when he was in Long Beach and came across a dude name Peace. Peace had asked for protective custody after he snitched saying he feared for his life. True as it was, the cops watched his house night and day until they started turning up dead. See Villain was known on the streets for his vicious ways. I can say that on that particular night he painted his debut portrait. All the ones he didn't kill were posted in the house. Let's just say that he came with his bare hands and an attitude to match. They said he ripped out Peace tongue with his bare hands and literally squeezed his ball until he bled to death. After that fiasco he fled to Jamaica where he is still pulling out tongues.

I knew that this was one dude I had to come correct with. I had to show him that his nephew was no punk and neither was I. So, I told Coo that I was going up to see him and for him not to mention that to anyone. I knew that I could trust him but just in case I swore my mom and Aja to secrecy. That Friday night we boarded a plan to Jamaica and I thought the whole way there. I had come to the conclusion that I didn't want to share my money with anyone including Villain. If I got out here and flopped I would be hustling forever and by the looks of my stomach was growing that wasn't going to be an option.

Once we landed Villain had someone to pick us at the airport and take us to him. For a while I thought that he was a fed with all the questions that he came at me with but he was just doing his job.

By the time I got the house I thought to myself,

"Damn this nigga must be made of paper because I don't see a money tree". I took a quick pause as I looked over at LaLa trying to see if I could read the thoughts in her eyes but I couldn't.

We were soon greeted by a tall brown skinned guy that wore is hair in plaits like Snoop. Hello, my queen you must be Mimi.

"Yes, how are you?"

"Good let's go inside" as he grabbed LaLa by the hand and lead us to a huge office. I sat all the bags down and Villain sent a woman to gather them. I took a seat at the far end of the big round table and LaLa went out to the pool. He sat across from me as tough we were in the God Father.

"So how is my nephew Mimi?"

"He's good due to the circumstances but this is not about him. Well, let me rephrase that, it is about him but mostly about me. See I need your help with the Heroin that you been sending. I understand the motto that this is not for ladies. I just want to make sure that my baby has something to come home to. Besides Villain they burned down my house so I have nowhere to go and right now I'm staying with Coojo but I'm sure that you can understand where I'm coming from."

"Yeah I do my concern is that you do realize that this is not a game that you are getting into it's your Life!"

"I understand that but without him so far there hasn't been much. To answer your question, I am well-aware of what I'm doing and I am doing and I also know the consequences of my actions but I will deal with that however it comes and that's my word."

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