leader for a day ~Stingingleaf

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Rosestar: ok, time for the next leader for a day, Stingingleaf it is your turn to be leader for a day so... yeah for today you'll be known as Stingingstar

Stingingstar: whoo... wait what is the catch?

Breezewhip: no catch

Snowdrop: yeah *mutters* apart from the fact that there is nobody to heal whitepaw

Stingingstar: ok... going on dawn patrol is...

Snowdrop: *eyes cloud over*

Watereye: *sees it* erm... Stingingstar??

Stingingstar: yeah...

Watereye: Snowdrop is... she is having a telling

Snowdrop: *eyes turn normal* hey guys, I have just seen who next leader will be as in the next keader with 9 lives

Whole clan: who is it?

Snowdrop: I ain't allowed to tell

Watereye: aww

snowdrop: *snickers and talks to reader* I am gonna be next leader

Stingingstar: I am bored


~later that day~

Rosestar: yada yada yada Stingingstar is now Stingingleaf

A/N sorry if it wasn't funny but I iz still abit depressed,  also Stingingleaf is a heard cat to spoof with

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