teacher: *adds a load of liquid to food we were making*
Sapphireheart: yeah, I know dont add any more until that is all gone
Blondepaw: MISS I CANT SEE!
Teacher: turn off the pans NOW!
Lazerpaw: *turns off all pans in our area*
Assistant teacher: *goes up to Blondepaw*
Blondepaw: *faints*
Assistant teacher: code blue, someone get the chair from next door
Sapphireheart: *grabbs the chair*
Assistant teacher: *places Blondepaw on the chair*
Teacher *on phone to 999* (999 is the english number for the emergancy servaces) everyone ovens off and in the classroom now
everyone: *goes into classroom*
Sapphireheart: I hope Blondepaw is alright
Lazerpaw: I hope my rissotto doesn't stick
Gingerpaw: do you know what happened?
Sapphireheart: She said that she couldn't see anything and then fainted
everyone but Sapphireheart and Gingerpaw: *worries about rissotto*
Gingerpaw: Seriously, everyone is more focused on food then our friend, she just fainted for starclan's sake
Lazerpaw: but seriously, i do think that we are all gonna get levels 7-8 because
1. we dealed with this situation calmly
2. if our rice gets stuck to the bottom of the pan then we can just blame it on the accident
Sapphireheart: ...
Teacher: ok you can go back in now
Sapphireheart: thank starclan
Everyone: *finishes cooking*
Teacher: because you dealt with a situation face on calmly, you will all be getting level sevens, including Blondepaw
Lazerpaw: alright *paw fives Sapphireheart*
Sapphireheart: *paw fives*
A/N this acctually happened, if you want to know who Blondepaw, Lazerpaw and Gingerpaw is then here are their first names
Blondepaw: Jessica
Lazerpaw: Kane
Gingerpaw: Laura