Ferretstar: Stingingleaf...
Stingingleaf: I'M A MUDER
???: no, Stingingleaf, you are not a muderer, nor is any other clan cat... exept one
Stingingleaf: who are you? are you a starclan cat
???: yes, you do not remember m-
Ferretstar: ROSESTAR!! are you?? have you really joined the ranks of starclan?
Rosestar: yes, but be aware of the feather under the breeze for blood will spill onto a lone clan cat's claws. Only three of randomness and intelegence will stop the distuction
Stingingleaf: feather... Featherpaw... Breezewhip her mentor but the three of randomness and intelegence, who are they?
Rosestar: I am not able to tell you but when the time comes, they will know
Ferretstar: Rosestar wait... I....I...
Rosestar: don't speak, go back to camp and rest, Watereye, your deputy will be waiting. *dissapears*
Ferretstar: Rosestat...I love you
~back at camp~
Stingingleaf: Watereye
Snowdrop and watereye: Stingingleaf!
all three: Rosestar told me in a dreem that we have to be aware of the feather under the breeze fir blood will spill onto a lone cat's claws. Only the three of randomness and intelegence will stop the destuction
Stingingleaf: *gasp*
Snowdrop: what is it
Watereye: isn't it obvious, we are the three