the A/N returns

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Sapphirepaw: almost done... *fiddles with computer*

Snowdrop: hey... erm Sapphirepaw

Sapphirepaw: yeah?

Snowdrop: I know you have to leeave soon as you don't really belong in the spoofs but I was just wondering if you would...

Sapphirepaw: like to be in another spoof?

Snowdrop: how did you know what I was going to say

Sapphirepaw: I know because you are my creation, and it would be nice to be involved in the chaos again

Snowdrop: great

Sapphirepaw: wait... with me being in the chaos,  who is going to create it


Sapphirepaw: you *snickers* really?

Watereye: Sapphirepaw,  remember I am the mature one

Stingingleaf: acctually, I am more mature than you

Sapphirepaw: my point exactly, I know that right now you want to prank so hard

Watereye: yeah yeah, whatever anyway

Sapphirepaw: ONTO THE SPOOF ha, you aint steeling my line beech

Stingingleaf: I thought this was the spoof

Watereye, Sapphirepaw and Snowdrop: NOPE THAT WAS AUTHERS NOTE

~the spoof~

Snowdrop: *stuffing face with  marshmallows*

Sapphirepaw: MARSHMALLOWS!!! *jumps into pile of marshmallows*

Snowdrop: you know those are Tigerstar's marshmallows, right?

Sapphirepaw: I dont... wait *switches spoof to A/N mode*

Sapphirepaw: Watereye, are you screwing up out personalities?

Snowdrop: yeah, I don't let anyone eat marshmallows, and Tigerstar eats crowfood and foxdung

Watereye: wait, I am doing something, just hold on

Watereye: *switches back to the spoof*

Sapphirepaw: so?

Stingingleaf: Sapphirepaw,  why are you eating and diving into marshmallows

Snowdrop: erm... I'm not,  Snowdrop is

Stingingleaf: ok...wait what?

Snowdrop: yeah, we swapped bodies before we started the spoof so then we will be spoofing and it will be funny, dont worry before the end of the spoof we will swap back

Sapphirepaw: num num num

Snowdrop: and in those marshmallows is catmint, so... yeah

Stingingleaf: three

Snowdrop: two

Watereye: one

*camp explodez*

Sapphirepaw (the acctual Sapphirepaw): I hope you enjoyed this spoof, I sure enjoyed being a part of it. In the next spoof I will be back on A/N again

Watereye: but... :3

Sapphirepaw: If we get to 100 spoofs I will be back as Sapphirepaw

all cats: goodbye Sapphirepaw see you at the100th spoof

Sapphirepaw: bye Firestar, Bluestar, not Tigerstar

Tigerstar: I aught to kill you

Sapphirepaw: unfortunately you can't because I have full control of the spoofs =^.^=

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