1. Bluestar's taxies: Bluestar will take any opportunity to be able to cross the borders
Bluestar: my taxi businesses is still brilliant
2. Snowdrop's marshmallows: never, not ever take Snowdrop's marshmallows
Watereye: it was only a harmless prank
3. catmint: never take another clan's catmint supplies
Stingingleaf: and always keep your eyes, or In Jayfeather's case nose, open
4. singing with snow: dont give Watereye catmint
Watereye: at least I dont explode a camp
5. Snowdrop is Elsa while Wayereye is Anna: the title says it all
Snowdrop: I got the better one
6. Stingigleaf is Kristoff: Stingingleaf likes saving other cat's lives
Stingimgleaf: that is what a medicene cat is for
7. don't let tigerstar take selfies (Sapphirepaw: I had to delete that part, ya don't wanna know why)
Snowdrop: I threw up and fainted like in another spoof I know
8. the cats descover wattpad: Tigerstar knows something
Rosestar: knowing something isn't enough
9. Tigerstar and the eye of the tiger: NO! Aword all leaders say to Tigerstar
10. Snowdrop's birthday: dont take advantage of gifts that you have
Snowdrop: it just ruins the surprise
11. Snowdrop just wont quit: Snowdrop was watching nyan cat before this spoof
Watereye: she watched nyan cat before every spoof
12. cats react to Watereye's and Snowdrop's prank: Watereye sucks at acting
Watereye: HEY
13. in science #1 exploding thermometers: thermometers can explode
Snowdrop: just like
Stingingleaf: someone else we know
14. Stingingleaf thinks he is clever: there are cays smarter then medicine cats
Watereye: true, true
15. In science #2 heartz: dont eat the large vole before going to science
Snowdrop: still regreting that, I should know better by now
16. Watereye's tounge twisters: you can use nyan cat to call other cats
Snowdrop: nyan nyan nyan I love nyan cat nyan nyan nyan
17. Breezewhip lies: lying can just get you into deeper trouble
Breezewhip: dont I know it
18. leader for a day ~Snowdrop: Rosestar is super lasy
Rosestar: *yawn*
19. leader for a day ~Breezewhip: Tigerstar and Breezewhip have a lot in common
Breezewhip and Tigerstar: WE BOTH LIKE PEWDS
20. leader for a day ~Stingingleaf: Snowdeop lied about the telling
Ferretstar: yeah, I was next leader not her
Snowdrop: I just lied to the others I knew it would be Ferretstar
21. The love potion: love potions only work if the cat doesn't know what it is