Rosestar's death part 2

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Stingingleaf: you dont remember, do you?

Ferretstar: nope


~flashback in medicene den~

Stingingleaf: why do I have to do it? why cant you do it

Watereye: so if it malfunctions I won't be trapped in a tom's body

Stingingleaf: fair enough

Watereye: *turns on machine*

Stingingleaf: *looks down* HOLY FOXDUNG I'M FERRETFUR

Rosestar: well duh, no *bleep* Sherlock

Stingingleaf: Rosestar, I...I didn't

Greenclaw: *in Stingingleaf's head* come to me... come to the lone willow

Stingingleaf: I have to go *runs*

A/N  you all know what happens next so short time skip

~at the ceremony~

Rosestar: Stingingleaf,  what are you doing here

Stingingleaf: It's a long story... but I'm sorry for killing you

Rosestar: It wasn't your fault,  Greenclaw is quite a persuasive cat

Watereye: *turns machine on again and the two toms switch*

Ferretfur: Rosestar...

~pressnt day~

Ferretstar: so... Rosestar is really...

Snowdrop: HEY I HAVENT BEEN IN TWO SPOOFS IN A ROW! END THIS SPOOF RIGHT NOW! *turns off authers note part of spoof*

Sapphirepaw: sorry, I am unable to do a authers note THANKS A LOT SNOWDROP! so I have just turned into a cat to tell you that no matter what...

*spoof collapses*

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