Waterkit: shut up I wanna rest
Stingingkit: you always want to rest, why dont we just call you sleepykit
Waterkit: *yawns*
Snowkit: give me marshmallows
Snowpaw: hay Stingingpaw, I found a marshmallow bush.
Waterpaw: no one cares
Stingingpaw: you always say that, why dont we call you carelesspaw
Snowpaw: come on Stingingpaw, I want marshmallows
Snowdrop: Stingingleaf, can I have some marshmallows
Watereye: *sarcastically* yeahhh, Stingingleaf will totally give you his marshmallows
Stingingleaf: stop it off with being sarcastic. We should call you sarcasticeye
Snowdrop:Stingingleaf, can I have some marshmallows now plz