Chapter 1

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God, he hated the rain he hated the way it smelled, the way it splashed, the way it soaked through his clothes and got to his metal arm. Bucky hated the rain.

Walking in the rain Bucky had just finished a day of odd jobs and was walking to his dull, bare apartment. He gave a sigh of relief when he entered the apartment building, he'd made it out of the rain. As usual, he passed the elevator and headed for the stairs or at least he tried to before a soft 'meow' stopped him.

"Hi" Bucky spoke softly kneeling in front of his black furry friend, a stray black cat which he got in the habit of feeding. "what are you doing" the cat gave a simple meow and ran to the door it turned around to Bucky "outside? but it's raining. 'tch fine".

Bucky opened the door and followed his furry friends outside with a groan. He followed him all the way around the building to an alley. The cat sat down in front of a cardboard box.

"It's a box you brought me to a box" Bucky rolled his eyes wondering why he feeds this idiotic cat. Bucky began to walk away when he hears loud meows and shuffling. He just wanted to be dry and in his bed eating his plums. Turning around Bucky sees his stray friend pulling a small hand out of a box.


Bucky immediately ran an tore open the box inside was a little girl she had white hair and pale skin covered in bruises and cuts her lips were blue she looked no older than.


He picked her up , she was soaked but weighted little to nothing, she had no shoes so he could see her toes were a pale blue.


Holding her to his chest Bucky took off running back to the building and did something he was trained never to do. Took the elevator. Making it to his apartment Bucky laid her on the mattress, it was the only piece of furniture he had and went to the bathroom getting a warm rag and a towel. He removed her soaked clothes, wrapped her in a towel, covered her with every blanket in his apartment, and put a warm rag on her forehead.

If she didn't die from hyperthermia she'd probably die from a heatstroke now.

"damn," Bucky said taking a seat on the floor next to the mattress. "look what you did. This is your fault. Why me why not someone else ?" Bucky asked his furry friend who magically got into his apartment. The response was a simple meow and a shake causing water to fly everywhere and wetting Bucky.

I hate the fucking rain.


Thunder and lighting had woke up Bucky up from his peaceful slumber.

or at least he thought it was peaceful. He didn't remember much of it he never did. What he did remember he wrote in one of his many notebooks. Tonight he remembered that Steve guy, Captain America, everyone was surrounding him and cheering his name he wasn't paying attention he was focused on a woman he didn't remember who she was.

Desperately looking around Bucky tried to find a notebook in the dark he tried to save this memory.

looking around the room he saw a shadow figure. Jumping up and pulling out a gun Bucky point the gun at his bed. There was someone in his bed. He waits for the figure to make the first move. He couldn't see them the room was too dark but he knew they were there.

Questions fired off in his head left and right. Who was this person? why were they in his bed? how and when did they get in here? why haven't they tried to attack him yet? are they Hydra?

A flash of lightning lights up the room revealing the person in Bucky's bed to be a little girl. The little girl he had brought home with him. The memory starts to flow.

Immediately dropping the gun Bucky falls to his knees in front of her and starts apologizing. He had forgotten all about her. She had tears streaming down her face but no sounds left her mouth.

Bucky took one of her hands in his flesh hand and asked "what's your name?" she didn't say anything "I... I think my name is Bucky or James. I don't know How old are you?" still no answer "that's okay I don't remember my age either" her blank dull eyes stared Bucky down almost looking into his soul. "why were you in the rain?" she blinked "I was in the rain?"

"yeah I found you in the rain you were cold and wet. Turning blue."



"are you going to hurt me?"

"no" Bucky answered gently squeezing her hand "never"

"okay" she gave a huff and laid back down she looked exhausted like it was difficult to keep her eyes open. After a moment Bucky laid back down on the floor.

"I'm (y/N) , (y/n) (l/n)" and with she slept. They both slept peacefully without any nightmare, for the first time in a long time.

shit, I forgot my dream.

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