13 ~ AGENT ~ 13

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Coulson told me I should tell someone what happened, when I was . . . gone. Get it out before I snapped. I couldn't do that, no matter how many parts of me wanted too. You couldn't trust people. I knew that, I should know that. But sometimes I felt myself slip, let myself give in to that urge to share my pain. But I can't. Not now, at least. So, instead of confiding in some stranger or, worse, some shrink, I started a journal, or at least, I wrote one entry. After that, I gave up. My handwriting was barely legible, my hands felt weird, and my brain struggled to form the words and sentences I wanted to scream.

The worst part of it was my mind. I mean, the worst part was probably the torture, but after a while, the pain just became natural, a given. It was predictable, and only physical. It would heal and scar and eventually fade. But with my mind, it never seemed to stop. Even now. I could feel everything as it slipped from me. I once tried scratching formula's and names into the floors, but it just turned into scribbles and scratches, splattered with the blood of my raw hands. And now, I'm free, I'm as safe as something like me can be. But, I'm still alone. Still dangerous. Still blocked from my own mind, like a road filled with neverending traffic. No, actually, it's more like my mind has been replaced, like something killed everything inside to make room for itself.

I hated it. I hated writing in that thing. I hated when the pages became filled. I hated Hydra. I hated everything about myself and everything about my life. It just felt so unfair. Like there was some unknown force throwing problem after problem at me. Hell, even my own self seemed to have something against me. A ghostly replica of myself in every corner no matter-

"Wilx, the Director wants you in his office, asap." A gruff voice snapped me from my daze, knocking on the doorway of the room I had been holed up in all day. The world felt hazy today, and I didn't like it.

I let out a sigh, standing from my bed and stretching. "Fine,"

I tried my best to snap out of the daze I had been trapped in previously as I made my way to the Director's office, raking a hand through what little hair I had grown. Silent as I could hope for, the ghost of a dead girl trailed me, trailing blood behind us. As I neared the office, I was surprised to hear yelling, and that it was coming from someone other than Fury.

"This is absolute Bullsh-" Opening the door without warning, I caught Harry mid-profanity, his face flushed with anger. Clearly, he had just gotten back from some Op; grime was smeared across his cheek, his hair messy and eyes bloodshot. Not to mention, he hadn't been trailing me for the past few days, after an awkward attempt at talking to me ended with me shutting the door in his face.

Harry looked from me to Fury, sighing and grabbing his jacket off the ground, aiming a final jab at the Director. "If anything happens, I'm blaming you."

My brother brushed past me on his way out, giving me a look that said he wanted to say something, but knew better. I just couldn't tell if that was because of Fury or me. I cleared my throat, picking up a chair Harry had probably knocked over. "You wanted to see me?"

"Not even curious, Agent?" Of course, I am. Doesn't mean I'll admit it.

"Should I be?"

Fury stared me dead in the eye, sighing. "I need you in the field."

I blinked a few times, cocking my head. "In the field? You want me to . . . " My face contorted, "To use Hydra's abilities?"

"Your abilities. Your control. The hallucinations have stopped, you haven't had any outbursts in a month, and this is a matter of life and death. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"But, you aren't asking? Are you?" I clenched my hands into fists, trying to calm down. He was wrong. Hades, as I called her, hadn't gone away, but instead went quiet, simply staring, never blinking.

"No. I'm not."

I nodded, more to myself, pushing out of my chair, beginning to pace the room. "You said I wouldn't have to go out. You said I didn't have to go back. You said I didn't have to leave. You-"

"I know, I know I did, but none of us could've predicted this. You were never supposed to be forced into the field. This day wasn't supposed to come for a long time. But it's here, kid. And we need all hands on deck."

"Tony gonna be there?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, he will be."

"I guess it's time to suit up."

(A/N: Hey Guys, Tae here-
I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me through the book and thanks so much for voting. It means a lot that you all love Harley Ray Stark as much as I do, and please continue to comment and read. Also, just clarifying a few things;

So, Harry is Harley's brother, his full name is Harold Robert Wilx, and he's around 25. Also, his face-claim is Ryan Egghold {I'll try to post a Cast List Soon}).

Our Main Character's name is Harley Ray Stark. She grew up with her neglectful mother and older brother {the latter ran away when she was nine}, but when she was 12 Child Protective Services {CPS} placed her in the care of her father {Tony Stark, a.k.a. Ironman}. Then, she was kidnapped by Hydra forces when she was fourteen, on Halloween after she was egging houses and a disguised Hydra agent approached and . . . tazed her. And now, she is an Agent of Shield, after over a year trapped in Hydra. Oh, yeah, and she escaped by killing a group of Hydra agents with her mind, giving her this crazy kill-y power that'll you'll understand better later on, with her brother showing up after all the action was over and rescuing her, trying to make up for leaving her behind all those years ago.

Also, this takes place right before and during the first Avengers movie, and the next book will have our boy Petey P, when he had just gotten his abilities, and . . . )

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