Collapsing into a wobbly kitchen chair, Jem exhaled loudly. He caught a glimpse of the microwave clock from where he sat: 10:42. Not so incredibly late and yet after speaking with Tessa his chest felt so much heavier. By not telling her where they really stood- though he did feel he'd at least hinted at the idea that they might've been more than simply friends- he'd kept the burden of who he really was completely on his shoulders, while risking infuriating her through curiosity. Keeping this from her, knowing she had no idea and therefore could not be culpable for whatever she might do or whatever she might feel for someone else. . .
He'd already been worrying about it. He had noticed the abnormal strain of anxiety in himself at the occasional sighting of her in the school halls with Gabriel Lightwood, who he now knew was the 'sarcastic idiot' she'd been waiting for in the diner on the fateful day she'd met him instead. Knowing that she'd had no idea what the words he'd just spoken to her meant, but trusted him implicitly nonetheless was as comforting as it was disconcerting. He couldn't help but glance at her collarbone at every meeting to see if the familiar pendant he'd given in another life but to the same Tessa might be suddenly hanging around her neck. It never was. But what could he do, realistically? She had little more than an inkling of just how strange their situation was, had no idea kindness she'd just received from what she must consider an acquaintance, letting her stay in his room, lending her a shirt, was really from a fiance who would gladly give her anything and everything he owned.
He could only think of one thing he really could do and that was to get them out of this paradox or whatever it might be- Jem couldn't remember the why or the when involved in how they'd landed in a time over a hundred years in the future. It was unnerving to see, though he saw the knowledge of some sort of wrongness reflected in Will's eyes often, that he really was the only one who knew exactly who they were.
He sighed and plucked his iPhone awkwardly from his pocket. It felt foreign in his grip as his gawky hands, feeling abnormally large and unskilled, plugged in the necessary numbers.
He held it to his ear and waited; the dial tone puncturing the loud silence of the house.
There was a click, then a moment of silence. Jem waited.
"James Carstairs," a voice drawled finally. "I have to say I was expecting your call a bit sooner."
"Magnus. How did you know it was me?" Jem asked surprised.
"Well, it was either going to be you or Will, and he wouldn't have waited politely for my response before demanding what he wanted from me. I know that from experience," he replied wryly.
"So you know why I'm calling then," Jem said, leaning back in his chair, glancing out the window at the lamp lit street, the knot in his chest releasing slightly.
"I do," replied Magnus promptly. "Though I'm surprised it took you this long. I would've assumed knowing exactly how far away from home you all are and how much you stand to lose if by chance you don't get back-" he heard a hint of warning in Magnus's dry tone now "you would have been particularly anxious to find out exactly what you all are doing here."
Jem sat up straighter. "I am," he said fervently. "And the time I haven't spend calling you I've spent thinking. And though I don't enjoy having to ask for favors, I will."
"See this is why the difference between you and a Herondale is so obvious," Magnus quipped, amused. "How polite a request."
Jem ignored this and let out a breath. "I don't remember how we got here, you're right. But every other memory- of Will, Tessa, the Institute, all of it- I remember. You know that."
He took the silence on the other end of the line for affirmation and continued.
"This is dark magic, I can feel it. We need to go back, but that's never going to happen if Will won't come." He ran a hand through his hair, feeling his brow furrow. "If you say going to New York will get us home, I believe you. But we need Will."

A Leap in Time ~ An Infernal Devices Fic
FanfictionIt's 2017 when Will, Tessa, and Jem wake up after a strange encounter with a deranged warlock. iPhones, highschool, dating, and average teenage life shouldn't be so strange, for a bunch of kids who never remember being born in the 1800s, but for a p...