Chapter six

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*Kenzi's POV*

The guys had a day off and we all decided to stay another night. The boys didn't have to be anywhere until 2:30 so we could stay up late.

"Let's all see a movie tonight?" I suggested to Taylor, Cam, and Alexis. Just then Kendall walked in.

"And me to?" she asked

I whipped my head around turning towards her.

" No not you! You were not in the room when the plans were made so they do not apply to you!" Taylor was pulling me back down on the couch.

"That means go away" Alexis added.

She left.

"So movie?" Cam asked.

"Yeassss Fierceeeee" Alexis said. That was kinda our thing.

"What movie should we go to?" Taylor asked. I was already checking my phone for movie times.

"Ummmmm, Maleficent at 10:30, The Fault in our Stars at 10:45, 22 at 10:15, Neighbors at 10:35, or the amazing Spider-Man 2 at 10:20." I said.

"Kenzi and I have seen them all already so it's up to you guys" Alexis added.

"What about The Other Woman? it's playing at 10:45." Taylor asked.

"Yea" we all said in unison.

*Kendall's POV*

I don't know what's up with Kenzi. I bet it's shark week. I'm going to go listen to Lana Del-Rey! Kenzi has got me hooked on her.

*Taylor's POV*

Kenzi seemed a bit on edge sense the Nash thing. I checked my watch. It read 4:56 okay we have time to go on a walk and come back and get ready.

"Kenz, want to go on a walk?"

"Yea! sure. We'll see y'all later? we can take my car to the movie okay? we meet back here at mmmmm 7:30?"

"Sounds Good" Alexis said

Kenzi went into the bedroom and changed really quickly. She had her everyday makeup on and her hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing a black cropped tank top with the Hamasa hand in white paired with some high waisted,medium wash shorts and her white converse that weren't so clean anymore on. She also tied a flannel around her waist. She had a sharpie tattoo on her left wrist. She looked so perfect. Well like she does everyday.

*Kenzi's POV*

I love Taylor so much. He could see I needed to vent and walking helps and I'm so thankful for that. The hotel we were at was right near the water(a lake) and a cute little down town area. As soon as we got outside and away from the mobs of people headed places Taylor grabbed my hand.

"What's bothering you babe? I hate to see you like this and I hate that you are upset when this is the only time we will see each other for another two months when we get break and you're spending that time sad and you need to be happy" hearing him say that put a smile on my face.

"Well it's just, I've been really stressed lately. Kendall is getting on my last nerve and everything about her bothers me. And Nash, he's just really taken things to far and it makes me really uncomfortable. And my mom, I haven't seen her in like two months. She said she would be home soon but somehow her 'trips' always get extended. And I'm living alone in that huge house and I've been so lonely and stressed and I hate that the two days I'm going to spend with my favorite person and pretty much my second family, or really first because I'm by myself now, I'm spending this time upset and in a negative mood and that kills me even more on the inside." I let a tear escape my cheek. Taylor wiped it away with his thumb. "Baby it's going to be fine" he said. We began to walk back and ran into Carter on the way.


"Carter?" I turned around he was full speed running towards me. Carter and I were really close. He was like the little brother I never had. I got out of the way before he could hit me. He gave me a giant bear hug! I hadn't really seen much of him sense we got here. Together we walked back to the hotel. It was 6:45. We got some food ant ate in out hotel room. When we walked in, Cam and Alexis were watching American Idol.

"Eww turn that shit off" I said and changed the Chanel. There was a rerun of the voice! Ooooh it's the final episode. We were all happier with this. In the end Christina Grimme won! I knew it from the start! that moment at her audition I could feel it.

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