Changes (6)

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Very quickly, I went back and changed it so Hillary just sprained her wrist, not broke her elbow. Thought I must just let you know I did that so I don't confuse you. If I missed anything, please let me know. Oh, and does anyone have any ideas why I wrote this chapter in my RELIGION workbook??? R.E has nothing to do with this story, so why is it in there? 

Hillary's POV 
I stared at the intruder in our tree house. I knew Josh told Louis, and now here he is to punish me. I never should've trusted Josh in the first place! "You! You brought him here! This is all your fault!" I yelled at Josh he raised his hands up in surrender. "I did nothing! How he found this place by himself. Josh fired back at me. I didn't trust what he said. I trusted him before and now Louis is here. Louis chuckled evilly and made his way over to me. I freaked out and began to tense up. I'll be honest, I was scared. Full-on scared. Louis began to stroke my cheek. 

 "You stupid, stupid, stupid girl, Hillary." Louis began, "You're so stupid that you didn't realise you and the dimwits are trespassing in my tree house!" Louis yelled. Trespassing? His tree house?! What is he going on about? When we built the tree house, we promised it would be 'ours'! How could he say such a thing! "Our tree house, Louis. It's ours! Me, Hillary, you and Jacelle built this treehouse together! We even inscribed our initials on the wall!" Niall yelled. He moved around Louis and I to the wall to my left and pointed to the cream inscription on the dark wood. 

'H.W, N.H, L.T and J.T were engraved there, each name under each other. "You and Jacelle were the ones that stopped using the treehouse. For the longest time, it was just Niall and I up here!" I fired at Louis, earning myself a 'shut up or I'll kill you' look. "Louis, we really should be...what is she doing here?" an annoying voice belonging to Olivia said as she walked from the deck into the front space. "What is she doing here?" I repeated, pointing at Olivia. This tree house is a our special place! Random people can't be coming up here whenever they want!  

Louis sighed. "We have to go. And if I ever find you in my tree house again, Hillary. I'll kill you!" Louis said, grabbed Olivia and they climbed down. "It's OUR treehouse! I have a right to be up here!" I screamed. "Okay, Hillary. Calm down. We'll sort this out" Niall said trying to calm me down. I was beyond pissed right now. No, way beyond pissed! "Hillary! Are you up there? Granny needs you right now!" Jesse yelled from down below the treehouse. I sighed. "I better go. I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said and climbed down the ladder to my awaiting brother. 

Niall's POV
If you told me yesterday that I was going to friends with my bully, I would have called you insane.
But, here I am, friends with my now ex-bully.

"So, you guys built a treehouse" Josh said, awkwardly. Yeah, I'm outta here. "I've got to go. I promised my Dad I'd be back for lunch. Can't miss lunch" I said and climbed down the rope ladder. I kind of felt bad for leaving Josh like that, but it's still awkward between us. Just as I got off the ladder, Josh had started to climb down. "Josh! Did you shut the trapdoor?" I yelled up to him. He yelled back a yes. I quickly told him to hang the end of the ropeladder on the lowest hanging branch. 

After that, I ran up to Hillary's house and slipped in through the panels of her fence. Then, I snuck over to the fence that ran in between her house and mine and went into my house. "Dad! I'm back!" I yelled through the house. "Hey, Niall! Lunch is ready! There's Nando's waiting for you in the kitchen!" my dad yelled back from...somewhere. "Thanks Dad!" I called back and went into the kitchen. It was a little cold, so I quickly reheated it in the microwave. 

I grabbed the plate out of the microwave and went into my room with it. I ate as I scrolled through my social media accounts. Nothing was very interesting. I had just finished when my phone beeped indicating someone had texted me. I unlocked my phone to see that Liam wanted to meet up with me urgently at Starbucks in 20 minutes. I replied saying I would be there. "Dad! I'm going to meet up with a friend!" I yelled through my house as I made my way out the front door from my room. "Be back before 3" Dad yelled back as I left. 


When I got there, Liam was sitting at a table waiting. God, am I late? I quickly walked over to his table at the back of the store. "Hey. Am I late?" I said as I sat down. "No! You're on time, I just came here early" Liam explained. "Cool. So, how have you been?" I asked. "Not bad. I've been training really hard for the track team and Coach says I'm one of the best he's seen." Liam said, "How's Hillary?" "She's Hillary" I simply said. It's the only way to describe her. "Do you want anything to drink or eat?" Liam asked. "Nah, I'm good. So, what's so important that you need to see me urgently?" I asked.  

"Right. First of all, Josh Devine told me today that he was quitting the Athlete's clique, and he put me in charge!" Liam said, very proud of himself. "Wow, Athlete Clique Captain. Impressive" I said, trying not to disappointed, but failing. "What's wrong with being in charge?" Liam said, not happy at my disapproval. "Nothing! It's awesome that you've found a clique to belong to, it's just…" I stopped and sighed. "Just...what?" Liam said harshly. "Anyone who has been in charge of the Athlete's clique has become Jacelle's little puppet. She gets them wrapped around her little finger and they change" I explained. " a good way?" Liam asked, concerned.  

"To them, yes. To other people, no" I said. "Well, I'm different. I'm not going to change. I'm going to be the same person I am right now. No one can change me unless I want to" Liam said. I smiled, but it soon turned into a frown. "That's what Josh said to Hillary and I. But he changed. He was Jacelle and Louis' puppet" I said. Liam gave me an angry look. "God, why do you have to find the bad in everything I say, Niall? Why can't at least pretend to be happy with something I said!" Liam yelled. People began to look over at us. 

"Liam, calm down. You're making a scene. People are looking at us weirdly" I whispered. "Oh, let them look Niall!" Liam yelled. "Maybe we should discuss this elsewhere. We can go back to my house and we can sort this out" I said, calmly. "No, Niall. I don't ever want to see you again. I'm outta here" Liam yelled and stormed out. Well, that could've gone a lot better. Most definitely. Hey, is that Stan and Harry?

I left Starbucks and followed Harry and Stan, who were talking about...things. "C'mon, Styles. Do you want in or not?" Stan said. "I do! I really do! I'm just not to sure about this" Harry said. Why was Harry getting a tattoo? "Lou said you had to. All of us had to. It's standard procedure" Stan said. "Can't I just skip the next part of initiation?" Harry begged. "Nope" Stan said, popping the 'p'. 

What were they planning? I'm not too sure it's a good thing, knowing Stan. "Do I have to go through the entire initiation? I've already stolen some stuff, and I beat up that kid. Can't I just skip this?" Harry begged again. "Mate, complain again and you can count yourself out" Stand warned. "Besides, we're here" Stan said and shoved Harry inside somewhere. I looked up at the sign to find out where they were.

Harry was getting a tattoo.
But, why?



did you miss meh? C'mon, I know you did!

Well, here is chapter 6! So, i began to write it, then i lost it. But then i found it in my religion book and i thought it was terrible and restarted so that is why it's late.

I know 1D haven't been in here very much so far, but I will try and fix that!

This chapter is dedicated to @emmastyles12319! I loved reading your comments and they always made my day! I hope to hear more from you! 

Until next time, imma out


**EDITED JANUARY 16 2015**

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