Unwanted and Plans (14)

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Louis' POV
When I got to my locker at school the next day, Stan and the gang were waiting for me. "And here is the man who came up with the brilliant idea" Stan said when he spotted me. "Idea?" I questioned. "The one to shut up Jesse Wilson" Stan reminded me. Crap, the plan. Memories of last night appeared in my mind. All night I kept thinking: What the hell was I thinking? Hurting Hillary like that… it was so stupid. "Ditch the plan" I said and opened up my locker. "What? But, I thought you wanted to keep them quiet" Stan said.

"Yeah, well…" I couldn't think of a reason without telling them what happened last night. "Don't tell me Louis had gone soft for Hillary Wilson" one of my biggest Rivals, Alex, said. If only he knew what I felt. "Of course I haven't…there's just….too many risks" I said. "Then the plans a go" Stan said. "No. Give me a day to think of another plan. A better plan. One that is less likely to fail" I said. "You've never considered this before" Stella said. "Well, maybe I just don't want to get caught. Now scatter away, you lot. Leave me alone" I ordered. Everyone left, except Stan.

"Louis, mate. You told me last night it couldn't fail" Stan said. "And then Jesse told his grandparents and my mum what happened" I whispered. "What? If Alex finds out, he won't like this. I'm sure he's gonna try something to 'shut them up', I just know it" Stan said. "That's why it's your job to keep an eye on him" I said. "Louis.." "Do it Stan. I need someone on the inside. Someone I can trust" I said. "On it, Louis" Stan said and left. I grabbed my stuff for…Drama. Hillary is in my Drama class. This should be interesting. I threw my books into my bag and shut my locker. I wandered off to the hall where Hillary's locker was. I leaned against the wall at the end of the hall, out of sight. She was talking with Niall, and laughing. She looked so happy. Hillary put one of her textbooks in her locker and I saw a bruise on her arm. The bruise was the same shape as fingers. I did that to her.

Hillary shut her locker and turned around to lean against it. I watched as she was shoved to the ground by Alex. Niall stepped in front of Alex, but Alex just shoved him into two punks behind him. Alex picked Hillary up by her arm, the arm I bruised last night. He spoke to her, but I didn’t hear what. Alex punched Hillary in the jaw and threw her to the ground, her back hitting the lockers. Alex turned to Niall, talked to him and punched him in the gut.

The punks dropped Niall and followed after Alex. When he got to the end of the hall, I intercepted. "Impressive, Alex" I said, smiling. "You…. Saw?" he said, shocked. "Of course" I said, still smiling. I was smiling when I punch Alex in the nose, twice and then kicked him in the gut. He dropped to his knees. I bent down to be eye level with Alex. "Do anything like that again without my permission and you will be taking some time off school" I said and left. I looked back behind me to see Hillary staring at me. I turned the corner just as the homeroom bell rang. I headed into home room to see Jacey and her friends taking up a three seater. Stan and few punks took up some rows, with an empty seat in the last row they took. I went to sit there, but Riley told me it was reserved for Alex. I took a seat at the back of the opposite side of the classroom, my sister and my friends.

I felt like a misfit.

Mrs Harris took the roll and read out the notices. Drama was in the hall today. I spent the rest of home room engraving something into the desk. I didn't realise Jacelle had come over until she sat on my desk. "Remember when you told Hillary was making you feel weird ways?" Jacelle asked. "Yeah. So?" I said. "You so totally like her" Jacelle said. "I do not" I said. "You do to! You just won't admit it. Trust me" Jacelle said. "Hillary thinks I'm a monster" I said. "Prove her wrong" Jacelle said and went back to her seat.

The bell rang and I headed to the hall. Everyone else was there, just not Miss Flack. Niall, Josh and Hillary were talking, and everyone else was in their Drama group, so I went over to them. "Uh, hi" I said and sat with my Drama group. No one said anything back to me. They must really hate me. Miss Flack came in and told us that we were here so we could practise our plays. All through Drama, we just practised how it would play out.

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