Escape (19)

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Louis' POV
I woke up at around 10 and panicked. I leapt of bed, showered changed and raced downstairs. I just reached the door when Mum busted me. "Where do you think you're going, Mister?" Mum said. "Uh…" I mumbled. "You better not be going to see that Wilson girl" Mum said. "No, I'm not. I was going to go see Harry " I said. "Harry" Mum said. I turned around to face her. "Yes Mum. Harry" I said. "Not without Breakfast" Mum said.

She made me sit at table and served me bacon, eggs and buttered toast. "Eat, Louis. Now" Mum said. Jacelle giggled in front of me. "Shut up, Jacey" I said and started eating. "So, what was with the rush?" Jacelle asked. "I was going to go see Harry" I said. "Harry?" Jacelle asked. "Harry" I stated. "Not Hillary" Jacelle said. "No" I said. "You're lying" Jacelle said in a sing-song way. "No I'm not" I said, mocking Jacelle. "Please, you are so going to the hospital" Jacelle said. I finished my breakfast and stood up.

"Harry, Stan and I and few others are going to figure out a way to get back at Alex" I said and took my plate into the kitchen, where mum was washing up. I put my plate in the sink and kissed mum on the cheek. "Bye, Mum!" I said. "Be good, Louis. And no hospital!" Mum called back as I walked out of the kitchen. I went out the front door and jumped in my car. I drove over to the hospital, anxious to get there and see the girl I love.

God, it felt so right thinking that. I love Hillary, and I will make her love me. I know she will love me, I just got to show her I'm no monster. I will, I just don't know how yet. That doesn't mean I'm going to give up. I will wait as long as I have to for Hillary, even if I get her when I'm on my deathbed.

I parked in the parking lot out in front of the hospital and rushed into the hospital. I was walking past the front desk when I heard something not so good. "Excuse me, I'm here to see Hillary Wilson. She's my grandaughter" a man with a Welsh Accent said. I looked at him and instantly recognised him.

"Uh, sir. I think I can help you there. She's in room 722, on the other side of the building" I said. "Oh, thank you, kind sir" the Welshman said, two men behind me. The Welshman went through a different hallway that did not lead to Hillary's room. I rushed through the hallway to Hillary's room, making sure I wasn't followed. When I was positive, I slipped into Hillary's room. I locked the door and shut the blinds so no one could inside. "Louis, what are you doing?" Hilary's small voice said.

I spun around to see Hillary dressed in faded jeans and a red singlet, exactly what she wore when she was attacked, except there was no more blood. Hillary was tying up the laces of her black converse. Hillary's red hair was slight damp and tied up in a high ponytail. "Where are your grandparents?" I quickly asked. "They haven't come. The hospital was going to call in 30 minutes if they didn't come" Hillary said. "Why do you want to know?" Hillary asked.

"Something bad happened. Someone bad is here and you need to get out of here, now!" I said. "What?" Hillary asked. I walked up to her and lightly gripped her upper arms. "Listen to me Hillary. The man who tried to kill you is here, in this very hospital. We need to get you out of here and back home" I said. "He's… he's here, how did he find me?" Hillary asked, becoming very frightened. "I think it may have to do with the fact that you were on the news" I said.

"Just let me get my jacket" Hillary said. I let her go and Hillary got off of her bed and grabbed the black jacket off of the chair and slipped it on. I unlocked the door and peeked out. There was nobody but doctors and nurses in the hall. "Stay close to me and don't wander off. Don't look at anyone, don't talk to anyone and be fast" I said. "Okay" Hillary said. Hillary and I slipped out of her room and into the hallway.

Hillary and I walked fast through the hall, Hillary right behind me as she gripped my arm. I opened the door to the hall and peeked in. "Two of his men are there. Head down and don't look at them. They know what you look like after what happened that evening" I said. I heard Hillary mumble a response. I pushed open the door and wandered through the lobby towards the front door, Hillary close behind me. The doors opened up and I heard someone shout with the same Welsh accent as their boss: "Hey, there she goes!".

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