Monday (7) *and announcement*

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A/N: Little note, I created a new clique. It's the Artist Clique. And please read the announcement at the end of the chapter. It's exciting stuff.

Zayn's POV(Cuz it's about time I did this)
I walked into school bright and early on Monday morning. I wanted to get to school early so I could work on my Art project. Mrs Grant has said she's open the art rooms today in the morning and I jumped at the opportunity. I couldn't do much on art projects when I was constanly disturbed, and my sisters were the always bugging me. They were giving me the opposite of what I wanted.

I unlocked my locker, threw my stuff in, grabbed my art and headed to the art rooms. When I got there, Mrs Grant was just opening them up and there was already 5 or 6 people already there. I came inside with the others and went to the table in the back. I plugged in my headphones and hit play on my playlist. As my music played I continued on my project. My canvas was about half filled and I still had another 2 weeks to finish it and complete the written part of it. I wanted plenty of time to do the written part because that's always what brings down my Art grade. I can never find the right words and it just becomes a page of rushed sentences that were very basic abd written in barely legible handwriting.

Someone with their own project came over to my table and set up in front of me. I ignored them and kept working. I know it was a little mean, but I was concentrating. I heard the person mumble in front of me, but I didn't catch any of it, my music was too loud. They leaned forward and yanked my headphones from my ear.

"Ow! What was that for!?" I almost yelled and looked up. Standing in front of me was a black-haired girl with olive green eyes. "That's what you get when you ignore me" she said. "Sorry Jacelle, I didn't realise it was you" I said, feeling bad. "How was your weekend?" she asked. "I had to babysit my sisters all weekend" I said. "Same. Louis had a date with his girlfriend so I had to watch my sisters while mum was working" Jacelle said. "I missed you" I said. Jacelle smiled.

You see, Jacelle and I have been bonding in Art and History.We try to in English, but Niall and Josh are with us so it's hard. Luckily, Miss Jackson made Jacelle and I sit next to each other. It's the only two classes we have where it's just the two of us and we use that time wisely. I know that Hillary said that she was horrid and mean, but Jacelle is different that what Hillary has said. Jacelle has been kind to me and she seems to care. I'll admit, I was hesitant to talk to her at first after what Hillary said, but then I had to talk to her and well, here we are.

Yes, I've seen Jacelle get cranky and bitchy with people in class, but they've annoyed her or angered her in some way. And yes, I've seen the way she treats some of the people in other cliques and I don't care. My old school was like that so I'm used to it. I was always a the bottom of the 'food chain' and I know what it's like to be treated by being on the bottom.

"Zayn, are you listening to me?" Jacelle whined. "Sorry, what?" I asked, snapping back to attention. Jacelle gave me a look. "Hey, you ignored me when I was talking to you in History on Friday!" I said. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that" Jacelle apologised. "It's fine. My mum gets really upset when I space out at the dinner table. I could fill a textbook with the amount of times I had to finish my dinner in my room because of it" I said, thinking of how mad my mum gets.

"My mum gets mad when my sister Lottie is texting during dinner" Jacelle said. I laughed. "Then my other sister Fizzy laughs when Lottie gets in trouble and that turns into a screaming match between the two and mum gets super mad then" Jacelle continued. "Man, I'd kill to see that" I said, still laughing. Jacelle bit her bottom lip like she does every time she's thinking. "Maybe you can. I kinda need help with History, so maybe you could come over tomorrow night?" Jacelle asked. "What about Louis? He'd kill me if he saw me at your house" I said.

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