Drown (12)

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Liam's POV
I watched as Niall rubbed some cream on the bruises on his wrists. What happened to him yesterday? I shut my locker and walked over to him. "Hey" I said and Niall jumped. "You scared me" Niall said with his perfect, Irish accent. "Sorry. What happened to your wrists?" I asked. Niall looked down at them. "Uh, the sheets…. On my bed… they wrapped around my wrists…. As I slept…and, and, and… bruised my wrists?" It came out as a question. "I didn't know sheets did that" I said, playing along with his lie. "Yeah, mine are made of rough material" Niall said, putting the cream away and shutting his locker.

"So, you wouldn't by any chance reconsidered my offer?" I asked, staring into Niall's hypnotising blue eyes. Niall rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, mate. My answer is still no" Niall said. His sad tone of voice made me sad. "It's okay. I understand, I think" I said. I have absolutely no clue why Niall wants to stick with Hillary so badly. "Okay" Niall said and went to leave. "No, wait!" I said, stopping him from leaving.

"Yeah?" Niall asked. "I was uh, wondering if you like, you know…" I said. "No Liam, I don't know. You're the one who's asking" Niall said. C'mon, Liam. Do it. Ask him. "Would you like to go to Starbucks with me after school tomorrow?" I asked. Niall smiled. "I'd love to" Niall said. "Great!" I said. "I've got to go find Hillary" Niall said and left. Of course he wants to hang with Hillary. That's all he ever does. Hang with Hillary, talk to Hillary, talk about Hillary, look for Hillary, go to class with Hillary and argh! Why can't he hang out with me? Oh wait, clique rules. No Misfits can hang out with Clique members inside school grounds.

It's so stupid! I should be allowed to hang out with whoever I want at school! So what if he's a Misfit! God, I so prefer my old school. Why did we have to move? I walked off heading to the running track. I just got outside to see Louis and some girl arguing. What was her name again? "You left me in middle of the fucking highway, Louis!" the girl screamed. "You shouldn't have upset Jacelle, Olivia!" Louis yelled at her. "Don't turn this around on me, Louis! You still left me on the highway!" 'Olivia' screamed. "Be glad I didn't do any of the things I do to Hillary!" Louis yelled.

"Oh, here we go again!" Olivia screams. "What does that mean?" Louis yelled. "All you ever talk about is Hillary Wilson! Hillary did this so I did that! Hillary was like this when that happened! God, you talk about her more than you talk about me!" Olivia yelled. "I don't talk about Hillary that much!" Louis yelled. "You know, maybe Hillary should be your girlfriend, because she seems to be on your mind so much!" Olivia screamed. "Me and Hillary, date? I'd rather drown in acid" Louis yelled. "She'd be the perfect replacement for the girlfriend you know longer have!" Olivia screamed.

"You're breaking up with me?" Louis asked. "Of course! I'm not staying with a jerk that leaves his girlfriends in the middle of the fucking highway!" Olivia screamed and stormed off. I think I just witnessed Louis Tomlinson get dumped. I turned around and headed back into the school building. I ran to go find Niall and Hillary, I had to tell them. I stopped to catch my breath the bell rang for home room. That just made my job a lot easier.

I ran to my locker to see Hillary and Niall at their lockers. "Niall! Hillary! You'll never believe what I saw!" I said. Both of them turned to me, books in their hands. "What happened?" Hillary asked. "So, I went to run a couple of laps of the track before homeroom, but when I got outside, I saw Louis arguing with Olivia" I said. "Louis was arguing with Olivia? They never argue. Like, ever" Hillary said. "Yeah, well, they won't be arguing anymore. Olivia broke up with Louis" I said. Both of their jaws dropped and eyes went wide.

"God, Louis is going to be furious today" Hillary said. "Do you have any classes with him, Hills?" Niall asked Hillary. "3. Biology, P.E and English" Hillary said. "I've got P.E and Biology with you, I'll be there with you" Niall said. "I've got English with you, Hillary. I'll make sure that dick doesn't touch you" I said. Maybe if I protect Hillary, Niall just might want to hang with me more. It's worth a shot. "Thanks guys" Hillary said. I grabbed my things for Biology and Music and headed into Home Room. Mr Sheeran took the roll and read out notices, like every morning. We had a substitute teacher for P.E today, and they wanted us to change during lunch and on the field by the bell.

Harry wasn't here. Why wasn't he here? I turned around to Hillary and Niall and asked them where Harry. "He got suspended for doing this to me" Hillary explained and pointed to the cut on her temple. "That looks like it hurt" I said. "You have no idea" Hillary said. For the rest of home room, we talked about our assessments coming up and stuff like that. When the bell rang, it gave all three of us a fright. We grabbed our stuff and headed off to class. We all were in the same Biology class, but we were on a seating plan.

We sat in our assigned seats in the lab, Hillary, Niall and Josh in one row, Harry, Louis and I in the one behind them. Jacelle's friends and Stan behind us. With Harry suspended it was just Louis and I in one row. He did not look happy. Mrs Lillian came in and started up our lesson. We were looking at DNA Structuring. All lesson, Mrs Lillian asked questions and Louis called out horrible, stupid or inappropriate answers. When the bell rang for the end of class, I swear I heard Mrs Lillian say 'Thank God'. I grabbed my stuff and headed off to Music with Mr Cowell.

Jesse's POV (because why not?)
Today was a slow day at the store. A couple of middle-aged men with neck beards came in a bought a couple of things, but that's about it. I was sitting behind the counter playing Flappy Bird. The bell above the door rang indicating someone had come in. I paused my game, sitting upright to see Harry from Hillary's school come in and start looking in our 15+ games. "Don't you have school, Kid?" I asked. Harry looked over at me, startled. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "I work here. Don't you have school" I said.

"I would, if your stupid sister hadn't gotten me suspended until next week" Harry said. "Don't you dare call Hillary stupid" I warned. "Or you'll do what? Kick me out of the store?" Harry said. I gave him a death glare. "I'd watch how you treated me, Louis or any of our friends. You wouldn't want Hillary getting hurt, would you?" Harry said. "What has that stupid Tomlinson got to do with anything?" I asked. Harry smirked.

"You don't know. Louis was right when he told me Hillary was too scared to tell" Harry said. "What are you talking about?" I said. "Think about it, Wilson. Think of all the bruises and blood Hillary comes home with. What happens on those days?" Harry said. I thought about it and put two and two together. "She had school that day. School with Louis" I said. Harry smirked. "And who has hated her since 9th grade?" Harry asked. "Louis" I said. Harry smirked again and left the shop. I looked at the clock to see that Period 4 would be starting for Hillary.

I pulled my phone out quickly and texted Hillary that I would pick her up after school. I wanted answers, and I knew where to take her to get them. I opened Flappy Bird back up and started playing again, trying to pass the time until I had to leave to get Hillary. When it was time, I closed my game, shut down the computer, and locked up the store. I hopped in my car and drove to Hillary's school.

Hillary was nowhere to be seen when I got to school. People were everywhere and none of them were Hillary. I parked my car and headed into her school. I went to her locker and found Niall there, his nose bleeding and him sitting against the lockers. I rushed to help the poor Irishman. "Niall, buddy what happened to you, mate?" I asked. "Stupid Stan. Broke my nose and sprained my ankle" Niall said. "C'mon let's get you to the nurse" I said. "No! Go get Hillary. My brother's coming anyway. He'll help me" Niall said.

"Help Hillary? Where is she?" I asked. "Try the Athletics field. She'll probably be somewhere around there" Niall said. I got up off the ground and made my way to the field. When I got outside, I couldn't see Hillary anywhere. I searched the football field and there was no one there. I tried the stadium and it was empty. I tried the running track and there was… blood? Little drops of blood. I looked around in case she was hiding somewhere and I spotted the indoor pool. I ran over to the door to see the lock busted.

I pushed the door open and found someone splashing around in the pool, Jacelle Tomlinson and some other kid watching as Louis tried to drown someone. They hadn't noticed me yet. "Hey, you three!" I yelled. The Tomlinson twins and the other kid bolted out of the pool area. I made my way to the edge of the pool grabbed the person and lifted them out of the pool. "Hillary! God, there you are. Are you okay?" I said. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around my shivering sister. "C'mon let's get you home" I said and helped Hillary up and out of the pool area. The answers I wanted were no longer a priority.

 So, Jesse caught ouis in the act of trying to drown his sister; and he's worked out what's been happening. Who's going to pay?


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