Chapter 1: Truth

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It was a silent day at the tavern, minimal people had entered the Boar Hat to the point where most of its employees had fallen asleep. The only two estranged people were the two frequent Holy Knights who always searched for conversation with the owner. The rest were either outside or fast asleep.

There was a comforting mellow aura surrounding everyone, as they playfully conversed about immaturities. Of course, there was always someone who was deep in thought, his lips were curled at the sudden invasion of her memories flooding into his mind. He shook his head and looked up to the worried men.

"You all right there, Meliodas?" The pink-haired knight asked. He nodded at the puzzling question.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He smiled, his hand flying behind his head, almost to give himself a confirming image of carelessness.

"You were just real quiet, had us worried for a bit." The blonde smiled at his worried comrades, assuring them nothing was wrong. They continued to mingle amongst themselves until they all halted, there was a sudden power surge that they both felt.

"Captain, someone's coming..." said a rather tall fellow as he tensed, his fuchsia suit creaking at the sudden movements. Suddenly everyone began to pile in, all in a defensive stance ready to take on whatever was coming.

"What do you think it is?" Said the floating boy. The Captain furrowed his eyebrows, he had a feeling he knew what it was.

"I'm not sure, but it's powerful. Look alive everyone." He announced, everyone nodded in obedience.

"Sir Meliodas... do you think it's threatening us?" The royal asked, hiding behind him her eyes focused on the door. The once mellow aura had now faded into that of a war zone.

"I don't know, but stay behind me just in case." He whispered.

"It's coming closer!" Yelled the brunette. They all took a fight stance. Then suddenly clapping was heard behind them. They all swiftly turned and met crimson eyes.

"Wow look at you! Still obedient little puppies like before, and Captain you haven't aged a bit have you!" The sarcastic voice buffered, the tension in the room had climbed beyond its limits.

"Now will you guys stop calling me it! It's been what? Fifteen, sixteen years? It's nice to see all of you!" They chimed as they crossed their legs still in the same place, the bench at the bar in the farthest left corner. The one closest to the door.

"Mind telling us who the hell are you!?!" Said the green-haired knight. The sins had grown quiet, too quiet.

"Well, well, well! Seems my suspicions were true, I have been forgotten truly what a shame!" The two knights grew confused, along with the royal. They looked to the sins for guidance but they didn't utter a word.

"Well, since my presence has utter my fellow teammates speechless, I'll introduce myself! Hi, hello, My name is Skylar, The⏤"

She was suddenly cut off by the leader.

"The Wolf Sin Of Rebellion..." He muttered, the three stood in awe absorbing the new information.

"There's an eighth sin?" The princess uttered. The woman laughed, grasping the edges of her hood and leading it off her head. A cadence of silk-like silver came cascaded down her shoulders, also revealing a rather large scar across her eye.

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