Chapter 14

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Terrence Pov

I sat here waiting. Leave it to the mother of my child to be 2 hours late. It's been days since I've seen my child. I couldn't give a damn about his mother, but my boy. He meant the world to me. I couldn't understand what I did to deserve this shit.

I'm glad Taraji has been more then helpful. She helps me forget my problems. That girl is something else. My mind took me back to last night. I was an ass to her.

I left her high and dry. I would apologize, but I'm not sorry. That girl fucked with my head. I felt like a teenager again. Like love was new. You know?

She looked so god damn sexy looking up at me with those lusty eyes. I wanted nothing more to pull her out that chair and fuck her like I would never see her again. Fuck her like my life depended on it.

My mouth watered thinking about the taste of her. Shit...she tasted like the sweetest strawberry. Just to think hearing her scream for me as I ate her out like a starving man.

Fuck...I groaned looking down at a growing bulge in my pants. I swear she keeps me hard. What's soft? I feel like I haven't been that in weeks since I met her.

"Terrence?" My lawyer called.

I snapped out of my haze looking at him. He pointed to the door and my heart slept out of my chest. I could hear the cries ringing through my halls. Soon they appeared in my doorway.

"Dada!" Amir cried reaching for me.

Amiya rolled her eyes walking over to me handing me Amir. His cries silenced imeadietly. My lawyer took down notes of the situation. My son layed his head against my chest and just stared at me in silence.

"Come on let's do this." Amiya snapped catching my attention.

I nodded looking her over. She looked dead to the world heavy dark bags under her eyes. Her normal flashy appearance was thrown out for a pair of sweats and a large sweatshirt.

"Ok. My client is willing to give custody of Amir to Terrence if she is offered quite a sum of money." Her lawyer stated.

I gaped at her. Money over her own son. She simply stared at me with cold eyes. I couldnt belive my ears. My veins hummed with anger. If that's her choice it's not going to be easy. I leaned and whispered to my lawyer.

"My client is fully prepared to take this to court. He feels he owes her nothing of the sort. There has been infidelity documented here. There is also child neglect. Over expensing. A wild lifestyle. Need I say more." My lawyer stated reading off the file.

It was her turn to be shocked. She studied my face looking for false truth. She found none.

"Terrence really?" She spoke sitting up in her seat.

"You want money?" I asked staring her in the eyes. She huffed in her seat.

"If you want money tell me what it is that drove you yo do all this?" I snapped. She glared at me shaking her head.

"Ok Boss man. You wanna know. I diddnt want this." She spat gesturing torwards the three of us.

"By God there was a time where I was all in. A time where I loved you. Then Amir came and I realized I diddnt want that. I'm only 34 Terrence. I'm still so young. I wasn't ready and I'm still not. I can't give you what you want. Things could have been different." She spat angrily.

Things clicked in my head. That ounce of hope that she was a good person was gone. She was down right disgraceful. The hurt I felt wasn't heartbreak it was deceit.

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