Chapter 31

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I watched Layloni pick at her food. She seemed in a funk. After Taraji got on her and made her clean up the game room as punishment, she's been keeping to herself lately. I could tell Taraji wanted to talk to her about it, but she was experiencing her on problems. The baby seemed to be practicing a super bowl routine in her womb.

So going against her best intrest she went to take a bath. I kind of encouraged her to anyways. After cleaning up the table I figured I should go talk to her. She sat by herself in her room. I knocked on her door promting her to look at me.

"Can I come in baby girl?" I asked. She nodded turning in her chair to face me. I took a seat on the floor in front of her.

"Talk to me. I know something is up." I lightly pressed. She simply stared at me in return.

"Its ok sweetheart. You can tell me." I spoke gently. I saw her eyes water. She sniffled before sge flew off the chair throwing her arms around my neck. She was a quiet crier. I learned that when we went to the park one day and she got hurt.

"I'm sorry." She whimpered hugging me tightly. I felt her tears wetting my shirt.

"For what baby?" I questioned. She sniffled then answered.

"For stressing mommy out. I diddnt want to. I don't want to hurt the baby." She explained. I sighed rubbing her back.

"Mommy's fine. The baby's fine. Tell me what happened today." I spoke. She pulled her head from my neck and looked at me.

"There's a boy at school who picks on me and calls me ugly. I wanted to tell mommy but I always hear grandma saying she can't be stressed out or have problems." She sniffled. I wiped her tears while listening to her.

"Don't ever be afraid yo tell us when something is bothering you. You're are never a problem. And as for that boy he's lying to you. You are a beautiful girl you hear me." I spoke. She nodded.

"Well today he told me I had to play house with him and his friends. He said no body wanted to partner up with me because I'm ugly so he did it to be nice. Then he tried to kiss me because he said mommies and daddies do it." She rambled.

"I punched him." She finally stated. To me it sounds like this lid is picking up things from his home.

"You should have told us. Violence is never the answer. We aren't mad though now that we know the reasoning. We'll talk about it with mommy tommorow. Roght now it's bedtime." I informed her. She nodded. Walking her over to her bed she climbed in. I tucked her in then kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight daddy." Loni mumbled a yawn taking over her.

"Goodnight princess." I whispered then cracked her door open. I walked down stairs ready to round the boys up to find them fast asleep in the recliner. Amir had his head resting on Amari's shoulder as they lay snuggled up. I grinned.

"My boys." I spoke to myself. I snapoed a quick picture before tapping Amari. He sorted blinking up at me with tired eyes.

"Come on. Bed time." I spoke while picking up Amir.

He quickly adjusted to the slight move falling back to sleep. Amari nodded slowly getting up. I fixed the recliner then shut of the lights following him upstairs. Thankfully his room was right next to Amir's. Going to Amir's first I layed him in his bed. Making sure he was under the blankets before plugging in his night light. His door stayed open.

Walking into Amari's room he was already under the covers passed out. I tucked him in then left his door cracked as well. Lastly I made my journey to our bedroom. Taraji was tossing and turning in her sleep. I automatically knew it was because I wasn't in bed. I swear I'm her human pillow.

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