Chapter 27

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A few weeks later....

"I'm so ready to see the baby." Layloni gushed as we walked in.

I chuckled as she skipped about. Amir walked closely by my legs. I've come to notice he's a very shy little boy. Which reminds me to talk to Terrence about daycare for him.

Not that we can't take care of him. He needs to get used to being social. I would hate for him to be antisocial. He's way to young for that.

"Mommy what's that?" Amari asked pointing at a sculpture of the uterus. I blushed shooing him away from the sculpture.

"Nothing you need to know about right now." I spoke as we sat down. My phone rung from an incoming call from Terrence.

"Hello?" I answered picking Amir up and sitting him on my lap.

"Hey baby. Did the appointment start yet?" He asked. I could hear the sound of cars in the background.

"No we just got here." I answered. He sighed in releif.

"Good. I'm on my way. Be there in 4." He spoke.

"Ok. Be safe."

"I will. See you in a little." He spoke then hung up.

He stayed true to his word arriving in the next 4 minutes. The twins rushed over to him hugging his legs. He chuckled continuing to walk as they hung from his legs giggling. Amir was sitting in my lap on my phone watching "Bubble Guppies".

He was to engrossed in watching to notice Terrence. He bent down kissing Amir on the cheek making him babble something and push his face away going back to his cartoon.

I laughed at the hurt face Terrence made. The twins climbed off his legs retaking their seat as he sat next to me. I pecked his lips in greeting.

" How is work?" I asked. He groaned rubbing a hand over his face.

"Tiring baby...Plus the renovators ran into a slight problem with the house today.." He groaned.

"Should I be concerned?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Not at all baby. It's been dealt with." He reassured me.

"Well after you leave here you have a few more hours. You can do it. I'll have dinner cooked and a nice hot bath ready when you get home." I spoke. He looked at me. Multiple emotions flashing in his eyes.

"What?" I asked when he continued to stare. His hand reached out stroking my cheek tenderly.

"I love you." He spoke softly then grinned. He leaned in capturing my lips.

"I love you to." I spoke against his lips. The tugging of my shirt caught my attention.

"Ma.." Amir whined.

"Huh Buga Bear?" I asked in question. He pointed down at the phone. I looked seeing that his show was over. I chuckled grabbing his hand.

"You just click right here. See." I spoke using his hand to click the next icon.

"Good job baby." I cheered kissing him on the cheek. He clapped happily.

"Henson?" A nurse asked. I rose my hand and she smiled.

"We got your room ready." She smiled.

I nodded getting up. Terrence took Amir from my arms. The twins walked in front of us as we were led down a hall. Slipping into a room.

"Ok. So the family can't wait in here. And you can come with me for so routine testing." The nurse spoke.

I nodded following her out. The test diddnt take long. Afterwards they told me everything was all good. I was lead back into the with everyone else. I waited excitedly for the docter to come for the ultrasound.

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