Chapter 26

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Rain sounded from outside. We were expecting a thunderstorm tonight. After a beautiful day in the plush confines of my bed. Amri for some odd reason refused to sleep in his crib. I talked to Terrence about getting him a small bed. He was getting to be old enough.

For some reason he told me to hold off on that. So here we are cuddling watching cartoons so Amir can fall asleep. He lay on my side fighting his sleep like a champ.

A flash of thunder sounded from outside making his eyes pop open. He whimpered crawling more torwards my way. I smiled down at him. His bottle hung in his hands as he gazed up at me. He would slowly nod off before popping back up.

Terrence intertwined our hands under the blanket tugging me fully into his chest. He couldn't explain to me how happy he was. He gushed about telling his parents and mine.

We decided to wait untill we get ultrasound photos. He kissed my neck, then nuzzled his head on my neck a deep breath flowing from his lips.

"Is he sleep?" He asked yawning.

I glanced at Amari. Sure enough he had the bottle lazily hanging from his mouth. I nodded a yawn slipping from my lips. I moved the bottle setting it on the end table.

"Good." He groaned turning the tv off. I snuggled into his chest letting my eyes shut.

"Good night babies." He whispered kissing my forehead. I smiled as his hand rubbed my stomach a few times before his breaths steadied. My own slumber took over me.


I awoke to Amir babbling in my face. He looked like he was trying to wake me up. When he saw my eyes pop open he babbled happily.

"Mommy." He cheered grabbing my cheeks.

"Morning buga bear." I spoke drousily. I sat up glancing around the room. It was just us two in the room.

"You potty?" I asked. He shook his head. His curls flipping around.

"Ok let's go find daddy." I spoke.

He smiled hopping off the bed. Thank God for me having parental instincts. I caught him right before e he went face first.

"No jumping." I scolded. He gave me a sad face reaching for me.

I sighed he looked so much like his daddy. I picked him up and we made are journey downstairs. The smell of bacon hit my nose followed by sweetness.

"Shhh.." I spoke to Amir.

He nodded his head putting his fingers to his lip. We peeked around the corner seeing him and the twins making breakfast. They looked so messy. It was cute.

"Dad?" Amari asked. Terrence hummed flipping the bacon.

"Does that look like a heart to you?" He asked. Terrence peeked over at Amir's pan. He smiled giving a slight chuckle.

"It looks like you tried." He joked. Amari pouted before laughing.

"It kind of looks like a turtle with one big leg." Layloni teased. Amari frowned looking at his pancake.

"You mean like you?" He joked.

She gasped. Terrence laughed. I couldnt help the snicker. As if he had super hearing he turned and looked at us peeping in the doorway. I wasn't quick enough to pull back. I was caught. Deciding to play it off like I was yawning we entered the kitchen.

"Mmmm...Morning" I spoke. Terrence gave me a look. The twins hopped off the counter running over. I set Amir down and he ran off to them.

"Morning mommy." They spoke pulling Amir to the table. Terrence walked over pecking my lips.

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