Chapter 23

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Hey guys, I'm sorry that I haven't updated in sooo long but, I've had a lot of problems going on during life that some of you will understand and some that won't. But, that doesn't matter, I'm getting back on my feet and I'm going to start updating more. But, I will repeat the last paragraph in the last chapter for the people who read it months ago and don't know where in the story you are.



Part of Chapter 22:

I arrived home and that when i decided to tell my mum about Luke..She understands me..but not im dating a 17 year was different..but she handled it really well. I dont tell my dad but yeah..

So im dating a Half-Celeb what could go wrong...?


It's been 2 months... I haven't seen Luke in 2 whole months..

Yes, we've facetimed and talked but.. It's been so long and I'm worried that something has happened.

I haven't really had the best of relationships in the past. Every past ex I've had has either cheated on me or had used me for popularity. I'm just worried that Luke might have cheated on me, but I'm sure he hasn't, he's a nice lad. 

But, I have to admit... I miss him, a lot. He means so much to me and not seeing him in 2 months is hard.. But, on the other hand I knew I had to man up and just go with it.

I'm sure you've all heard of X-Factor; Well, I've always been a fan of it and I've always liked singing. So, I logged onto my laptop and searched X-Factor. I found out that you can now be 14 to go on the X-Factor in the UK! So, I sent in a video of me singing and I sent it to X-Factor. A couple of weeks later they agreed that i could be on the show. I can't actually believe it! I'm going to be on X-Factor!!!


Day of X-Factor

I'm soooo nervous and it's nearly my time to go up on stage. My anxiety levels are through the roof and I'm so nervous. 

They call me up and I walk on stage...

Simon: Hello, What's your name?

Me: Urm, Hayley Freeman.

Louis: You sound a little nervous?

Me: Very...

*Simon looks at me funny then writes something down on the paper*

Cheryl: Well, hun what son are you going to be singing?

Me: Um, Hold on till may by Peirce the Veil. *I say gripping my guitar standing up to the mic as I speak*

Louis: When your ready.

*I start to play chords for the song*

- Meanwhile with 5SOS

Ash shouts out "HEY LUKE HAYLEY'S ON TV ON X-FACTOR!!". 

Luke comes running downstairs and jumps onto the couch in their living room.

"WHAT?" Luke yells.

"LOOK MATE" Ash shouts back pointing at the screen.

*They both watch me sing as the other two boys join them from the shouting*

-X-Factor UK 

*I got half way through and Simon stops me, I look worryingly at the judges, biting my lip slightly*

Simon: Sorry this just isn't working out..

Cheryl: What? Her voice is amazing why stop her?

Simon: No, Sorry its not good enough.

*I start to panic as their are only 3 judges today because Mel B is sick so you need only 2 yes' to get through*

Louis: So are we going to vote?

Simon: Yes. Sorry Hayley but I just don't think you're quite ready for this yet, your voice is just not good enough for this competition, sorry but it's a no from me.

Cheryl: Hayley, your voice is very good please keep singing and trying, Yes from me.

Louis: Hayley I think you are bred for this competition but I kind of have to agree with Simon on this. You're not ready for this. 

*Tears start to run down my face a little as I listen to them, gripping my guitar*

Louis: Sorry sweetheart but it's a no for me.

*I nod as I understand and Cheryl wipes her eyes a little as she can see how upset I am from that*

Me: T-Thankyou *I say as I nod and grip my guitar, I walk off looking down wiping my tears*


Louis: Sorry sweetheart but it's a no for me.

"NOOOOOO" Luke shouts at the TV. "NO ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND HER VOICE IS FUCKING PERFECT? HOW CAN YOU TWO BLOODY IDIOTS ARE SAYING NO TO SUCH A BEAUTIFUL VOICE" Luke yells in a tantrum at the TV as the lads try to calm him down, Luke in tears.

"It's alright buddy, I'm sure it will be fine c'mon you haven't got much sleep lately I think you need a rest" Ashton says calmly taking Luke up to his room.


I sit in the car driving home and not a word comes out of my mouth the whole way.

I am so devastated. I just want to cry myself to sleep. 

I get home and lie down on my bed, I click my phone off and put it beside me. I feel so dead and I feel not good enough for the world. 

*5 minutes of crying and thoughts pass*

I get a call...


End of Chapter 23.

Well, How was that? Leave your comments below and I will try to get back to you! 

Thankyou so much I can't believe it, over 12,000 reads!! Thank you thank you thank youu!

Wow, I love all of you readers, who take your time to read my 'boring' fanfics, haha, Ty♥

Hayley Out.

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