Chapter 3

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after singing our hearts out or should i say shouting our hearts out, we finally arrived at 5sos flat!

i started to get butterflys in my stomach.

Leah and i both looked at each in delight!

it was now 10:15am, so we had plenty of time to spend with the boys. They said they didnt have any friends in the uk except from michaels mum, and even they said that she doesnt even like them...which was awkward but it was okay after they said we were there only uk friends, i then felt even more happy.

We all got out of the car, and went into there flat. It wasnt big but wasnt small. But it was messy. But what can i say, 4 teenage boys live here, how can it not be messy. Anyways apart from the mess, it was a nice cosy place to be in. We all gatherd into the lounge area, when michael said,

"im hungry!"

ashton replyed with "you just had breakfast!"

"not really that was like hours ago!" michael said.

"no" ashton said




"shut up! why dont you go get some food then michael!" calum shouted.

"yeah, what cal said!" ashton replyed with.

"urgh...i cant be botherd!" michael replyed with

"then your not hungry" luke said.

"anyways, lets play a game!" ashton said, making sure me and leah were included.

"hes so cute!" leah whispered to me.

"i know, they all are!" i whispered back.

at that moment we all gather on the floor in a circle, it was michael next to calum, next to luke, next to me, next to leah, next to ashton, who was next to michael.

"what game should we play?" i said.

"err..? i dont know?" calum replyed with


"whats questioning time?" leah asked.

"its a game where we go round in a circle asking each other questions, and you HAVE to answer!" ashton said replying to leah.

this was a cute moment leah and ashton were just looking into each others eyes lovingly.

"anyways, whos going first?" i asked.

"you, babe" luke said


i just acted like it didnt mean anything.. "okay, ask me a question then lukey"

Lukes P.O.V

did hayley just call me lukey??? aw thats so cute! SHES so cute! i dont know what to ask her, i really like her and want to get to know her better, but i cant ask a 'love' question in front of the boys as they will think i love her or something..then they would tease me..

Back to main story

"err...can you sing? if so sing us a song!" luke said.

"YES, HAYLEY, YES!!" leah shouted.

"what?" luke asked curiously

i just sat there blushing...

"HAYLEY CAN SING, AND SHE DEFINATLY WANTS TO SING A SONG TO YOU LUKE...............I MEAN YOU BOYS" leah had just blown away the fact that i liked luke....ALOT! omg..i just stared at the floor blushing..

"go on hayley sing us a song or if you want to sing it to luke" calum said teasing me.

oh god. now they all know that i like luke....but luke hasnt said anything yet hes just been looking at me..i could tell from the corner of my eye....

"err...ok ill sing...but im not that good." i said nervously, looking at leah.

everyone was staring at me now, i got nervous and started to sing gotta get out, by the boys themselves, this was the only song i could really sing....but it was nerv-racking as everyone was looking at me but luke he was staring at the floor until i started singing he looked up and looked at me.

Lukes P.O.V

wait? shes singing one of our songs?? omg..shes great? where did that voice come from? anyways when she sings i just cant stop looking at her....shes so good.

Back to main Story

i finished the song, well the chorus and everyone was staring at me with astonishment....but leah she had a huge smile on her face...

"was i really that bad?" i asked nervously?

"no, you were amazing hayley..." luke said still looking at me.

then that moment our eyes met. oh god. he has to have the like cutest eyes ever! he has a lovely shade of blue eyes...mine are hazel, i have green, brown and a very dark brown.

"ok, you two love birds stop looking at each other!" calum said to me and luke.

"what?" luke said looking up at calum, i then woke up and realised what had happend.

"hey leah its your go now!" he said to leah.

"er..ok" leah said nervously

"whos your favourite boy in this band?" ashton said looking into leahs eyes.

this was their moment.

"erm..i dont want to upset any of you boys but i have to choose ash" leah said looking up and then looking back into ashtons eyes.

aw, they would make such a cute couple.

"ashtons turn." michael said.

"ok, erm ash whats your favourite colour?" i asked him

"" he replyed with.

michael and calum had their go.

now it was lukes turn and i got to ask him something.

i asked....


End of Chapter 3.


hey guys i hope you are enjoying this story/fanfic whatever you want to call it.



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