Chapter 24

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Carried on from:
I get home and lie down on my bed, I click my phone off and put it beside me. I feel so dead and I feel not good enough for the world.

*5 minutes of crying and thoughts pass*

I get a call...
It's Luke, he wants to FaceTime.
I pick up shaking, wiping a tear.

Luke: Hey babe, look I saw your audition, can I say something first, it was amazing. You have such a beautiful voice I didn't know you were that good! I still can't believe those shitbags didn't let you in for god sake, I got so mad.
*I sniff and wipe a tear*
Me: It's alright, Lukey. But thank you though it means a lot coming from you who actually has a band.
Luke: Well, maybe at one of our concerts you could be like a guest singer?
Me: No no, I'm fine just watching you from the crowd.
Luke: Baby please, you're so good seriously, the crowd will love you.
Me: I'll think about it, I'm not really in the mood at the moment.
Luke: I know baby, I'm sorry I'm not there with you. *Luke says whilst running his hand through his long blonde locks, looking down a bit*
Me: It's not your fault, Lukey. You're in a band and I understand that and we have to deal with long distance sometimes. *I let out a smile watching him on my phone screen being cute whilst he cuddles my penguin toy I gave him before he left*
Luke: I know baby, I just miss you loads. I even kicked Calum out of the room to talk to you because I just wanted to be alone with you. *He smiles faintly*
Me: Aw Luke, hows Pengu aye? *I say looking at the screen smiling at Luke holding Pengu (the stuffed penguin I gave him)*
Luke: I cuddle it every night because it smells of your perfume, just reminds me of you and when I'd cuddle you baby.
*I smile listening to his rich Australian accent, watching him talk*
Me: You're a goofball. *I say laughing a bit*
Luke: And you're a monkey, but you're mine.
*I smile, hearing the "you're mine" run throughout my head*
Luke: I love you Hayley, I can't wait to see you again babe. *He smiles faintly kissing the camera*
Me: I love you too Lukey *I kiss the screen back, giggling a bit* Well, it's 4am here Lukey, I'm gonna have to get some sleep.
Luke: Ah shit, I didn't wake you up did I?
Me: Nah, you know I don't sleep well when you're not here babe.
*Luke smiles cutely to my words*
Luke: Alright baby, I love you sleep well.
Me: I love you too babe, have a nice day.
*We both smile waving bye through our phone cameras and I end the FaceTime call*

I get comfortable in bed and put my phone on charge and try to get some sleep.

Here! It's finally here, Chapter 24 aha I'm sorry for the delay but here you go. Hope you like it woo! :)

-Hayley x

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