Brian's Fatal Mistake

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3rd POV
Monday came about way too fast for Brian, it was as if he hadn't had a weekend at all. Even worse was that he had extra homework because he missed school on Friday for the game. Meanwhile Cancer was having a pleasant day and was looking forward to meeting up with Pisces later after school, she had completed her homework early, so was already caught up. Pisces was in a moping and lazy mood, half sleeping through her classes and eating snacks. Taurus wasn't at school due to his vacation running a day late. Lastly Scorpio was missing. Yes missing.

Cancer POV
The last class of the day was almost over and I couldn't wait. It was torturous to sit through the class. Every three to five minutes I let my eyes flick behind my shoulder to peer at the clock hanging on the classroom wall. Finally the teacher told us to pack our stuff up and wait for the bell. As soon as she said this the classroom was swarmed with murmurs and the sound of zippers and folders moving filled the room. I quickly packed up and shortly later the bell rang shrilly. Kids filed out of the classroom as I darted along side of them. I reached my lockers and threw in a few folders and snatched my phone and earbuds, quickly tucking them into my backpack. I slammed my locker and clicked the lock closed. Trudging through the crowds of high school boys and girls, I made my way to Pisces. Just as I got to her she slammed her locker shut and locked it as well. She spun around and gave me a big grin. I smiled back and we made our way out of the school gates. "Where do you think Scorpio is?" Asked Pisces rather abruptly. I turned to her and hummed, I  had to think about it for a moment. "I don't know. He wasn't at lunch, but he was here on Friday... I saw him in class. He probably is just being stubborn and lazy again. I don't understand how he's not failing." "Yeah, true. He skips school so much for no reason, it's just a wonder he's still passing." Pisces in a teasing voice. "Oh! There's Brian!" Pisces said while spotting the person I had been absentmindedly searching for all day. I started slightly walking in that direction to see if Pisces actually wanted to follow. Eventually we got to Brian, who was swarmed by about three other guys. They were all standing around talking about some athlete... I think they mentioned touchdowns, so probably football. Brian noticed us and finished up his conversation. By that point all the guys were openly staring at us, just great. Brian walked over to Pisces and I and said hello. Than I heard one pf the boys shout, "Yeah get that!" And instantly I didn't like that guy. I didn't know who he was, but really? All we did was say hello and they bring up that! This is why I can only ever deal with guys for a short period of time, otherwise I can't deal with their stupid jokes and pranks. I didn't give my annoyance away though, that would only serve to give them a reason to continue teasing. I merely rolled my eyes and continued with the conversation. "Sorry I kinda ditched you at the game... My family got into town and my mom said I HAD to leave, I tried waiting for you, but I knew you were showering and had to go, sorry" I said while I could feel my eyebrows knit in an apologetic way. "Oh it's fine, I'm just glad you came to the game and gave me a shot" he said while waving his arm as if to brush off the feeling of guilt that had started to burn in me. We continued to talk about little things for the next two to three minutes before one of his friends told him practice was going to start in 10 minutes and he had to go. "Hey, I got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow alright?" He asked. "Sure." I said agreeing with him easily. "Hey maybe we can get together this weekend or something and actually do something you really want to?" He suggested while subtly down playing his soccer game. "I liked going to your game! It's good to try new things anyway, but it would be nice to hang out this weekend." I said. He leaned in gave me a quick hug and left. Pisces looked at me with an expression I really couldn't place. I raised my eyebrow in a silent question at her unusual expression, but she only shrugged her shoulders, schooled her expression, and walked away. With an exasperated sigh I ran after her feeling an awful lot like a lost puppy. We made our way home conversing about school and this annoying girl in my class named Jessica. Overall it helped cover up the elephant in the room and the scorching heat that was beating down on us unrelentingly. We arrived at my house and slouched down on the couch with a cold soda and fruit. We watched a few random videos of baby kittens and bats and rabbits eating various food. It was an adorable stress reliever. And finished up our Internet adventure with a few episodes of the fairytail anime. This was our routine every other day. It always consisted of at least some of the following: cute animals, food, talking, Fairytail, Black Butler, Sailor Moon, Merlin, Shadow Hunters, fan fictions suggestions, drawing, homework, kpop, musicals, or just some star gazing if it got dark enough. It was peaceful. Scorpio came back three days later, strolling into school on Thursday as if he had been there the while time, we asked where he was, but he wouldn't say. My relationship with Brian progressed with us meeting up every other weekend to do various activities. The school year continued as uneventfully peaceful as always. It moved a combination of slow and fast, managing to feel like everyday was torture and yet as if I had a blind spot, the last three months were approaching. And thank goodness for that.

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