The Resolution

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Scorpio POV
I sat down on my other couch and looked at Cancer. "So what do you want to tell me?"I asked. "Scorpio. I can't expect you to forgive me for what I've done to you. I'm just grateful that you are being kind enough to listen to me. So thank you." She said. "I don't know if you know everything that has happened so I'm just going to tell you it all. You know what happened in the closet at Leo's party, but what you don't know is that Aries said the only reason he was doing all this was to get payback on you. Aries kept pestering me at school. Then one day he took me to the mall. He lead me down an alley. He pinned me against the wall and kept telling me if I didn't do exactly what he told me he would hurt me. He kissed me despite my dislike. He kept telling me to act like I was happy. I don't know why, but he seemed so stressed out about how I acted to him. Then we just stopped and he brought me to his house. I swear Scorpio, he was acting like a psycho. He. He."she said as her voice cracked. "Point is I don't remember everything because I passed out from lack of oxygen and woke up back in his car. I managed to get out of the car and walk home. I think I called you three or four times. I truly was scared. I wasn't sure if he would do it again and if he did what he would do. I felt bad because I had so many conflicting emotions with the whole thing. About you, me, Aries. I was just so worried and scared that something bad was going to happen to you or something worse to me. I didn't know what to do or to handle the situation and I was hoping you could help. I didn't mean to deceive you, trick you, or mock you. I was scared and didn't know what to do or exactly what to tell you. I didn't want to tell you that the reason he was doing this was just to get to you. I didn't want you to feel at fault, I truly just wanted to protect you and our friendship. I just. I don't know how to explain it anymore than this. I am so sorry Scorpio. I know I deserve all of this and more for doing this to you. It's all my fault this happened and I don't know how to make it up to you. I don't think anything I do could ever make up for what I've done to you. All I can say is that I'm sorry Scorpio." She said quietly, but plenty loud enough to hear. I knew than that she meant every word she had just said. I leaned back for a second and thought for a few minutes than got up and got a glass of water. I needed to process all of this. I knew she was telling the truth. I can always tell if she is being honest or not and she wasn't lying. I didn't know what to tell her or what to exactly think of the situation. I needed some time to work through everything I just heard. So I picked the best escape plan I could think of. " I'm going to bed. You can sleep on my couch if you want or you can walk to your house."I said blankly. "Um. Okay. I, I guess I will stay here than. Good night Scorpio." She said just barely loud enough for me to hear. I nod my head and walk out if the room. I laid in bed for several more hours thinking everything over before falling asleep. I woke up around 3:00am and went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I walked in and grabbed one. As I was walking back to my room I could see Cancer huddled in a little ball at the edge of the couch shaking and could hear her teeth chattering. I shake my head and throw a blanket around her and head back to my room. I Needed Sleep.

Sorry it's so short. Well Bye Bye Butterflies! 🦋

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