The Confrontation

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Cancer POV
I made mac n cheese. I sat down in the couch and turned on the TV. I didn't know what the show was even about and I didn't care. My mind wandered as I stared into the TV. I slowly ate my Mac n Cheese as I felt my eyes fill with tears. Why does this always happen to me? I slowly stopped eating as my food as it had now lost it's flavor and instead I tasted salty tears. I cried and cried. I hated this! Everyone treats me like I'm weak just because I try to be nice. I know I'm a pushover, but I don't care. What everyone doesn't realize is that even I have limits and this is one of them. The problem was that I was scared of what Aries could do. I am strong, but he is stronger. I couldn't believe he would do that. What if I just didn't go to school tomorrow? Then I don't have to risk anything. No. I can't skip school. I'm just avoiding the inevitable because I'm scared. That would just prove that I'm weak, but I'm not. I will not put up with this anymore. I can't exactly tell anyone about this because I would be way too embarrassed. I have to deal with this on my own and I have no reason to be scared. I am strong and I will prove that I can fight back against people when they take advantage of my more subtle personality. I wiped my eyes. I can call Scorpio and tell him, he will know what to do and I know he will be there by my side no matter what. That's the thing I like about him, he is a loyal friend. I pick up the phone to call him but still no answer. I shake my head. It's okay I can deal with it on my own.

Scorpio POV
My phone ringed and I picked it up. Cancer. I growl and hit the cancel button. She was just going to call and tell me how she needs my help, but in reality she doesn't need anyone's help because this is all a setup to rip my heart to shreds. Aries! Now I can't tell who I hate more. The disloyal backstabber or the master villain? School was tomorrow and I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid them. I couldn't stop thinking about her! I.. I used to.. I used to love her!! She acted like she liked me then she threw it all away. Now she is just mocking me! Why does everyone hate me? Even before we came to Earth the zodiacs never liked me, ever! Even Cancer and Pisces were afraid of me back then. I wish we could just go back to our normal lives!! Stupid Aries! Ruining everything and still thinking he has the power to lead the rest if us because he is older! You know what, I'm going to school tomorrow and am going to slam Aries's head into something. Cancer on the other hand, I can't do that. I will have to find another means of revenge. Also find revenge for Aries.(the slamming his head is just for being annoying) I sat down in my bed for a few hours on my phone and actually got to sleep early. Beep! Beep! Beep! Ugg! I roll over and shut off my alarm. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower and get ready. I grabbed a granola bar, gatorade, and backpack and headed out the door. I wait at the bus stop for about four minutes before the bus showed up and I got on. I sat in my seat and popped my earbuds in, while ignoring everyone else. The bus came to a slow stop and the doors swung open. I got up and exited the bus as I removed my earbuds and headed to my class. I saw Cancer walk around the corner. Crap!! I make a quick turn and leaned against the wall nearby. She walked pass me without noticing. I slinked my way back around her and to my class.

I got a letter in my locker from Scorpio. Weird, I haven't seen him and he wasn't at lunch with us. I wonder why he is avoiding us? The letter said to meet by that old playground near the school. No one ever goes there anymore and there are trees all around that place. I always liked climbing them when I was younger. I walked to the park and sat down on a white bench and pulled at my phone to check if Scorpio texted me. I wondered why he wanted to meet here, I hope everything is okay. I was really glad I didn't run into Aries all day, that was one less thing to worry about. Scorpio showed up a little later. "Hi Scorpio, how are you?"I asked sincerely. "Terrible." He muttered. "Why? What's wrong?"I asked him with curiosity and concern. "Someone I truly care about abandoned me."he said casually as if it really didn't bother him." Oh, I'm sorry Scorpio. Not to be rude to them or you, but anyone who abandons, tricks, or hurts you is no true friend or lover." I say matter of a factly. I smile gently. "So.. what did you want me to come here for?"I asked with suspicion lining my voice. "I'm disappointed in you. You tricked me. Lied to be. Betrayed me. And worst of all smiled while doing it. People always call me scary or dark, but the real one is the one that can be happy while doing it." He said and slowly walked away. I stood there for a second completely shocked as I watched him walk to his car. I wanted to ask him so many questions, what did he mean? I could feel tears build up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I hated seeing Scorpio like this, in fact I've never seen him like this and the worst part was that it was all my fault. I didn't know what to do. Just then I heard the sound of footsteps in the grass and my head whipped around. Aries slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his body. I felt the tears slip down my burning cheeks. "What's wrong baby?" He asks. I glare at him and yank out of his grip. "I'm done!" I yell at him no longer able to contain my emotions. "You have ruined my life and you think it some kind of popularity joke!" I took a deep breath. "You are sick."I say blankly, but my words were coated in venom and I meant every bit of it. "Do not yell at me."Aries says firmly before reaching for my wrists. I swiftly move them away just as his hand came in contact with a bunch of air. He growls, but I keep my face neutral, except the glare and twisted eyebrows. He knew I was pissed. He tried to punch me but I moved just in time, while sending his flying fist on a different course. He shoves me to the ground knocking the air out of me. I needed a second to catch the breath that was just stolen out of me. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me to a standing position making me a bit dizzy, but cleared almost instantly. "Let me go!"I said strictly into his ear. He didn't. "I warned you."I said threatening to him, but he just laughed. I punched him straight in the jaw. Instead of letting my wrist go like I thought he would, his grip only increased. As he tumbled backward. "You shouldn't have done that."He hissed. Before I had a chance to react he twisted my arm behind my back and tossed me against a tree like a rag doll and I fell to the ground. Why was that so easy for him? How can he be that strong? I coughed and with each cough a pain seized my chest. My head throbbed from being shaken around and my limbs felt weak from the sudden loss of oxygen. He kicked me and I coughed again and bit my lip. He kicked me again and I bit down harder. Tears stained my dirty face and I was breathing heavy. He kicked me again and I screamed. I couldn't help it any longer. He grabbed my hair and sustained me in the air by it for a few seconds before throwing me down again. I coughed and sputtered. I didn't stand a chance against him. He is physically way stronger than me and I never actually learned how to fight. How could I have been so foolish?! I cried and cried as he kicked and punched at me. I screamed again and again. No matter how much I didn't want to display weakness because it would only please him more it never worked. I was crouched in a ball on the ground. He lifted me up again and still glared. I was frightened. I thought I heard something and looked up, but before I could see anything he slammed me against the tree and I cried out in pain. Slowly tucked back into a little ball wishing I could just disappear. I was shaking and crying very violently as I awaited the next blow.

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