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Aries POV
I felt guilty for practically torturing Cancer. She wasn't the one I loved, she wasn't one I despised, she was just a casualty, just a means of revenge, just the victim in a bigger world. Of course I knew what I had done was wrong, but my hatred for Scorpio outweighs my compassion and guilt for Cancer, that's the only reason I did it. I am not going to bother her again, but as for Scorpio. Well lets just say, revenge is a b**** and I was just getting started.
~~~~~~Three weeks after their talk~~~~
Scorpio POV
I couldn't stand all the talk about Homecoming it was obnoxious. I've loved Cancer for years, but with everything that just happened I don't think she would want to go with me. Plus my feelings are complicated. Anger, Jealousy, Sorrow, but at the same time Passion. I know I will always love her, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't see the same way. After all she was asking for my friendship back, not to become more than that. I sighed. I might not even go. Maybe it's time for me to finally move on and forget about Cancer and find someone who will actually love me back.

Cancer POV
Homecoming was coming up and despite my agonizing sadness I couldn't help, but feel happy. Everyone was always in a better mood around this time. I also like to marvel at how romantic or unique some of the proposes were. It was a great time to just enjoy yourself and soak up the positive mood. I wanted Scorpio to ask me, but I knew he wouldn't. It was impossible. With everything that had happened I knew he wasn't going to ask. For now I was just grateful that he is still my friend. I smiled to myself as I walked the halls of the school.

~~~~~Two weeks later~~~~~~~~

Scorpio POV
Homecoming was in a week. Cancer still didn't have a date and neither did I. The thought of taking her kept popping up in my head nagging me to do it. Each time it seemed like a better and better idea making it harder for me to decide. I walked into the lunch room going to sit with Pisces and Cancer. As I walked over I heard them talking about Homecoming and I groaned, but they still hadn't noticed me yet. "I mean he hasn't asked me yet and with everything I honestly don't think he ever will. He probably doesn't like me in that way."said Cancer to Pisces. I walked over to sit down realizing that there was no way to avoid hearing this, after all it was everywhere. As soon as I sat down they stopped talking. They both smiled and said hello and then resumed there conversation after acknowledging that I was there. "I don't know Cancer. I'm really not sure. He may like you like that, he may not. Personally I would try to find someone else to go with, even if you don't love them. Go have fun, enjoy yourself. Maybe it could even spark something more."said Pisces while winking at Cancer. "I don't know I guess your right, I mean I've waited for so long and he still hasn't realized I like him and he doesn't seem to like me, so I doubt he will ask me and going there with someone, even if you don't like them, it's better than going alone I suppose."said Cancer in an unsure voice. "Yep. So you going to do it?"asking Pisces in an encouraging voice. "Yah, I guess I will."said Cancer confidently. "Okay great now that you've figured out your guys's plans for the homecoming can we stop talking about it. All of it is making my head hurt."I said as I rubbed my temples to make a point. They both smiled and agreed, but I couldn't help but wonder, who did Cancer like? The next day I saw Taurus walk over to Pisces as she opened her locker. About twenty pieces if red, pink, and white paper fell out of her locker. She was surprised as she leaned down and hastily picked them all off the ground. Some of them were shaped like hearts others like speech bubbles. Some of them had little notes. Taurus smiled, pulled out a box of chocolates, a sketchpad, and a single rose."Will you go to Homecoming with me?"He asked with a hopeful smile. She smiled broadly at him and instantly said yes. They hugged and Taurus gave Pisces the presents. She smiled gently and then pecked him on the cheek. I frowned a bit at the sight. It's not that I didn't like Taurus, it's just that I was naturally kind of possessive of her. I didn't like her in that way, but she was my friend and I don't want to see her get hurt. I walked up to Taurus after Pisces had left and congratulated him, but than warned him,"You better treat her right, cause trust me I'm not a good person to have as an enemy."He smiled. "Trust me, I will. I don't have any plan to break her heart."I nodded and so did he as we parted ways. I hurried to my locker and the next class.
~~~~Time skip~~~~End of the Day~~~~
It was the end of the day and I was putting stuff into my locker when I heard Pisces and Cancer around the corner."So who are you going to ask to Homecoming?"asked Pisces. "Um I don't know. No one? I don't know how this works! Isn't the guy supposed to ask the girl anyway?"Cancer said in a nervous voice. Pisces laughed,"Well yah, but you have to at least try to find someone. What about Andrew?"she asked curiously. "I don't know. I don't like Andrew. I mean I do, but not like that. Anyway what if he goes to Homecoming and sees me with Andrew, then he, if he ever did, won't like me anymore."Cancer asked. "He won't be there, you know he doesn't like this stuff, along with about one-fourth of all the other boys."said Pisces."Plus he probably already has a date. He just hasn't said anything yet." "Yah, I guess, but I'm still not going to do that. If I go to Homecoming with anyone it will be because we're friends, not for love." Cancer says stubbornly. "Ohh for goodness sakes! You are impossible and too loyal, even to the people who don't even know you. It's ridiculous, you have to let loose every once in a while!"Pisces said earnestly. I shut my locker and walked away. Cancer loves someone else, it's just that simple and I couldn't see that until now. Until she said it out loud. It hurt my heart a bit, but at the same time it didn't. I still had a bit if hope and the security that she wasn't going with someone she loves, only a friend. I'm curious to see who this new friend is.

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