Normal Once Again

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Cancer POV
I curled up on the couch and let the tears fall. I felt so guilty for everything I did to Scorpio and was frankly relieved that he was nice enough to let me explain. I stayed up late in the night thinking over everything I had said and how Scorpio may react. In the end my eyes became droopy. No matter how hard I tried to stay awake I couldn't. My eye lids dropped and my last tears fell as I drifted to sleep. I woke up in the morning with a blanket wrapped around me. I wasn't sure if I had a blanket around me when I went to sleep, but I figured I had. I sat up groggily. Rubbed my eyes that were still red from crying myself to sleep. Just thinking about it brought fresh tears to my eyes, but I refused to let them continue. I wiped my eyes and stood up. I steadied myself and folded up the blanket on the edge of the couch. I walked into the kitchen and got a cup of water and sat back down on the couch and waited for Scorpio to wake up. I heard him shuffling around in his bedroom and then I heard the shower running. I sighed. I figured at that point I've come to a realization that no matter what I do or how much I worry, it's up to Scorpio in the end. Then it hit me. What if he walks out and forgets I'm still here, that would be awkward. I take another deep breath, what will happen, what will happen, Cancer, there's nothing you can do, I chided myself. About ten minutes later Scorpio walks out into the loving room. I'm staring intently at him, trying to anticipate and judge his demeanor and expressions. He looks tired was all I concluded as he lazily walked to the kitchen and grabbed a protein bar. Trying to stay on good terms I decide I better speak up. "Good morning Scorpio." I say casually as if this is a normal thing. He mutters a slurred good morning as he plops himself on a chair. He takes another bite of his protein bar and I can tell he is deep in thought. "I'm sorry."He says blankly. I look at him dumbfounded. I tilt my head to the side with confusion."Why? What for?"I ask him curiously as I try to piece the picture together myself. "I jumped to conclusions and assumed you hated me and that you were trying to get revenge, or that our friendship was just a game to you."He said. I was shocked, but couldn't help but agree with his logic and apology. "It's okay. I would have reacted similar if I was in your shoes."I say trying ease his guilt that I see on his face. I was the one that was supposed to be saying sorry, not him. I walk over to were he is sitting and hold out my hands. "Good?"I ask him. He nods his head and says, "yes." As I pull him up to a standing position. I smile genuinely and hugs him gently. At first he was shocked by the gesture, but recovered quickly and gave me a gentle squeeze and smiled at me. I was so happy. We said our good byes and I heading home. Monday was tomorrow and I still had an essay to write. In other words, I was still stressed out. Next day when I got to school everything was back to normal, but there was still that twinge of uneasiness.

Hey butterflies! Sorry that these last two chapters are so short. It's a little hard for me to write long chapters when all they are doing is apologizing. Next few will be much longer than this one, promise. Also check this out:
Bye Bye Butterflies 🦋

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