Leo's Party

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Scorpio POV
I trudged home wishing I could just ride the bus, but then I remembered how obnoxious the bus is and concluded I should just drive my car to school tomorrow. It was a fancy car and I didn't want a bunch of girls swooning over me because of it. I kept walking and eventually got to my house. It wasn't a small house, but it wasn't a mansion either. It was slightly bigger than most houses, but close to average size. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and wrenched the key into the door. Once I was in my house I plopped down on the couch and took a nap. Yes a nap. I had been up till 3:00am in the morning last night and was in desperate need of a 'pick me up'. I slept for about an hour and decided it was probably time to figure out what I was going to have for dinner. I was just about to open the fridge when I heard a ding!! I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone. It was a text from Aries. "Hey Scorpio, when are you going to get to the party?" I stared puzzled at the text, but then remembered hearing something about there being a party today or tomorrow. I didn't want it to seem like I was clueless, so I responded. "Not sure yet. You'll find out once I get there."I said. Why would Aries be texting me? He does every once in a while, but like him, it's very random. "Whatever bro. I'll be there at seven, that's when most people are showing up."said Aries.
I was trying to decide if I should stay home or go and crash the party when my phone started ringing again, but this time it was a call. It was Cancer. I answered. "What's up Cancer? She normally only calls me about important stuff. I wonder whats going on? Is she okay? "Did you hear that there is a party tonight?" She asked politely. "Yes." I said. Not wanting her to feel left out. "Are you coming?"she asked. "I didn't get an invitation." I said lamely. "Scorpio, it's for all the zodiacs. So technically you were invited it's just, well you no how Leo is with invitations.."she stated. "Terrible." I said finishing her thought. "Are you going?" I asked.  She paused for a moment. "Well.. I thought about it, but I'm not quite sure. I don't know who's actually going to show up and I don't really want to go if you and Pisces aren't going, so I really am not sure." She said politely. I knew she was going to do this. She always thinks if others before herself and she ends up getting hurt for the sake of someone else. "Yah I'm going." I knew she would come now, that is just like her. "Okay. Well I guess it sounds fun. Still not sure, but I will probably wind up going."she said. I chucked. I was right."Do you want me to pick you up?" I said casually. "Really? Thanks so much Scorpio. That's really sweet of you." She said kindly. "Yah. Yah. Okay. What time do you want me to pick you up?"I asked, figuring she would want a few hours, so she could get ready. "Come over whenever you want. I don't mind, I can get ready pretty quick." She said casually. "So if I said I was at your front door right now, we could leave?" I said teasing her a bit. "Yah, just give me give a few minutes."she said like it was perfectly normal for a girl to take five minutes to get ready. "Wait! Are you actually outside my door Scorpio?"she asked in a surprised voice. I laughed. "No silly. I'm at my house standing in my kitchen."I said. "Oh. Okay. Well I will see you later then. Good bye Scorpio."she said kindly. "Bye Cancer."I said simply and went back to get ready. I combed my hair and picked out a fancy outfit. I put it on, sprayed some cologne and grabbed my keys. She said she could be ready in five minutes. I was going to test that. I chuckled to myself, no way she would do that. I hopped in the car and started the ten minute journey to her house. It was a decent sized house, not nearly as large as mine, but still a good size. She had a beautiful front yard. With mowed, green grass and a bunch of flowers. I walked up to her door and rang the doorbell with a smirk. It had been thirty minutes since I had hung up on the phone with her. I waited a minute and she answered the door holding her shoes and a necklace. "Oh! Hi Scorpio. Do you want to come in or go now?" She asked politely. "I don't mind staying a few minutes so you can put your shoes on."I said while smirking. She smiled, held open the door, filled up a cup of water for me and set it down in front of me."If you want it, you don't have to drink it if you don't feel like it though." She said displaying her hostess qualities. Better than Leo is at that, I thought in my head. She slippped on her shoes in 30 seconds and was trying to put her necklace on, but the clip was so tiny it kept slipping in her fingers. I smirked.  "What?"she said a little embarrassed. "You having a hard time over there?" I asked teasingly. "Yah, but I think I got it." She said and smiled with satisfaction when she did get it two tries later. "Ready?" I ask. "Yep." She said excitedly. We walked outside and got into the car. I could see her eyes constantly darting to the radio controls. I realized she probably wanted to play music, but was to shy to ask. "Hey, you can turn on the music if you want." I said trying to keep my eyes on the road. "Oh! Um... Okay." She said and waited a minute before actually reaching up and turning on the music. After three songs we arrived at Leo's. It was about 7:30pm as we walked up the beautiful steps if Leo's mansion. We walked in and almost immediately saw Pisces. I didn't understand why she wouldn't have told us about the party, why would she do that. "So you want to go get something to eat?"asked Cancer. "Sure."I said simply. There was various types of food. I got orange chicken, the kind from Panda. Cancer got a bowl of soup, but I wasn't sure what kind. We sat down at a table and started to eat. "Hey what type of soup is that?" I asked curiously. "Chicken noodle and dumplings."she said sounding content. "Can I try some?"I asked daringly. "Sure... Can I try your chicken?" She asked quietly at the end. "Yah." I said not putting to much though into this. "Mmm. This is good. I might have to go back just to get a few pieces."she said jokingly as her eyes moved to her own bowl and took a sip of her soup. The soup was alright, I didn't care for it a ton, but it was good. "Hey Scorpio."said Aries from behind me. Sagittarius was also standing right next to me. I knew something weird was going on. First Aries texts me now Aries and Sagittarius are walking up and talking to me. "Hi."I grumbled trying to pay no mind to their unusual behaviors. "Oh, hi Aries. Hi Sagittarius," Cancer said. "Hey we were going to go play a game. Leo wanted to know if you two would be joining us."said Aries casually. Oh and now Leo is being really nice, yah right! "Oooh, that sounds like fun. Scorpio are you coming?" asked Cancer as she stood up to head over. "Nah, I don't feel like playing a stupid game right now."I said a bit annoyed. "Why? Are you okay?"she asked with concern etched in her voice as Aries and Sagittarius left the room. "Yah I'm fine, just don't want to play a game right now."I said to Cancer, not explaining much. "Cancer sat back down and stared intently at me and then my eyes. She has this way of getting to me, probably because she's just so naive I feel bad to take advantage of her kindness. I buried my suspicions about the 'game' and stood up. "Actually. I changed my mind."I said smirking. "Cancer stood up a little exasperated. "Were you just messing with me." I didn't want to tell her I didn't want to go so I decided to play off her assumption."Maybe.... Maybe not." I said and winked at her. She did a teasing glare at me and then smiled. "You're very sneaky Scorpio. We walked into the other room and everyone was sitting on the carpeted floor waiting for us. "Sorry we took so long."Cancer said full heartedly. Cancer sat down next to Pisces, but I remained standing, I wasn't committing to this game until I knew what we were playing.

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